Self Determination in Calvin


Calvin is demonstrating amotivation because of his lack of desire and motivation to do the homework. He only finds motivation to research topics that he is passionate about. 

Intrinsic Motivation

In this comic Calvin and Hobbes find a snake outside. They try to analyze the snake to identify what kind it is but don't have enough knowledge of snakes to know. Hobbes suggests reading a book on snakes to find more information and Calvin realizes that this would be like learning something in school and he is on break. Hobbes changes his mind and they read up on snakes. This is an example of intrinsic motivation because Calvin is motivated to learn about something that piques his interest!

Extrinsic Motivation

The money Calvin is asking Dad for is a reward for getting passing grades. Calvin thinks this may motivate him to pass his class. 

Subcategories of Extrinsic Motivation


Calvin's dad is lecturing him on the importance of trying hard in school. When he gets stern with Calvin he gets a bit nervous. This is introjection because Calvin is now nervous to disappoint his dad knowing that his dad will get angry or strict.

External Regulation

Calvin's classmate is happy to get a smiley face on her test and Calvin is jealous because he got a negative one instead. The reward of a smiley face may motivate Calvin to do better on his tests as it did for his classmates.


Above Calvin's Dad is helping him understand the importance of learning and succeeding in the subject of Math. A question we all may have asked a time or two. It is important to identify why what you are studying is important in order to find the motivation for the work. 


In this comic strip, Calvin is seen actually motivated to work on his school paper. What is different about this paper, you may ask? Well from context clues we decipher that he chose the topic of his paper. Having the opportunity to debate over tyrannosaurs is the one true motivator here. 

Information from class PowerPoint:

Cameron, J. (2001). Negative effects of reward on intrinsic motivation — A limited phenomenon: Comment on Deci, Koestner, and Ryan (2001). Review of Educational Research, 71, 29-42.