Proving Self Determination

Calvin in the Classroom

Calvin struggles to find any motivation at school simply because school isn't meeting his three main  Phycological needs in order to be intrinsically motivated; Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness. Calvin isn't competent in his learning because he doesn't feel related or connected to any of the content present in school. School at this time doesn't feel like a safe space to learn and explore which comes from a lack of sense of Relatedness. Finally, all of this adds up to a lack of Autonomy. Calvin exhibits strong signs of Amotivation in the classroom. 

Calvin at Home

When Calvin is at home he feels a strong sense of Relatedness. He has a healthy home life and overall healthy relationships. (from what we can tell anyway) Living in an environment where he feels cared for, he can naturally tap into motivation. Dad fosters autonomy in Calvin and an overall Competence. Clavin is eager to learn more because it is his choice to and he understands why it is important to him. Yes, Calvin does lean more towards Extrinsic motivation with his Dad in that he is always trying to bribe a reward out of him, but he still genuinely listens and cares about what they are learning together.  

Calvin with Hobbes

Motivation is easily found when Calvin is with Hobbes. Hobbes helps Calvin feel a sense of competence. Calvin is proud and confident in what he knows and what he wants to learn. Most of what we see with Hobbes in the comics is moments of deep adventure and reflection. With Hobbes, Calvin is free to explore any topic that catches his interest. Calvin needs to find a way to bring this type of energy into his other environments.