Cabbala College of Obscure Arts

The Cabbala College of Obscure Arts is the premier school for all those who have the will and drive to practice and learn about magic unhindered by laws or nature. Those who wish to enter the school's threshold find themselves thrust into a society of the Cabbala that is ever changing and fraught with intrigue—not a place for the faint of heart. With a wholistic approach to teaching, and a curriculum that is designed to allow its pupils the freedom and autonomy to develop critical and practical skills in magic, an education at the CCOA has the potential to carry one from this life to the next. 

***UPDATE: The CCOA now offers graduate programs in teaching, research, and magical advisement!

About the CCOA

"The oldest and strongest emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

Historically, the Cabbala College of Obscure Arts is the longest standing institution of the Cabbala Amartia. It was founded during the reign of Vaeros Othim, the Great Red Tyrant, and has since surpassed all other schools. Starting with one professor and one pupil, the CCOA now leads the world in magical research and education. The extensive library is a repository of information that many have contributed to over the years from students to faculty, to donations from independent mages. With the most talented professors and its graduates elevating themselves to great positions of power, there is no better magical education than one from the CCOA.  


The Three Sisters came to a place where the machinations of others held no sway on their actions. Finally free of their chains, the myriad actions they had executed over the years were developed into a fine library of knowledge. This knowledge was of such importance that they could not let it be lost to the realms, lest others fall victim to their former fate. 

The Sisters spent their remaining years tutoring and teaching a select few. Of those, the Cabbala College of Obscure Arts was born. A Memorial to the origins of our belief in expanding the knowledge of the arcane and shadow. Here, the legacy of the Sisters lives on as the students and teachers band together to further that knowledge and keep the magic alive. 

How to Apply

Step 1: Fill out an application and turn it into the mailbox in front of the CCOA Tower

Step 2: Set up appointment with either the Headmistress or the Vice Headmistress

Step 3. Follow the outlined Curriculum and work towards Graduation



Positions that cannot be applied for:


Vice Headmaster/mistress 

Head of House 

Positions that can be applied for


Graduate Student




Positions that don't have to be applied for

Test Subject


Those who attend the CCOA are placed into Houses based on a sorting ceremony.


Houses and Schools of Magic do NOT limit what you can and cannot cast/study. It is just RP flavor to add to the College, not to limit your own creative interpretation of your character's development.

House Whim

House Mar’asa


> Freshman: 10c/month

> Sophomore: 15c/month 

> Junior: 20c/month

> Senior 25c/month

> Graduate Students: 30c/month 

***Must meet with faculty mentor monthly to be eligible***

> must not be plagiarized


Cabbala Citizens: 

Jade Lotus Empire and Helheim Citizens:

    > Sophomore: 20c

    > Junior: 20c

    > Senior: 20c

Undergraduate Curriculum

Neophyte Level of Advancement

In order for Neophytes to advance a level of study so they may reach graduation at the CCOA, each list of items much be completed.

NOTE: You do not have to go by the order listed. 

*When everything is completed, gather all reports into report log to be turned in to the Headmistress, Aigie Ryder.**

**Cannot use logs from previous levels**

⍫ Freshman:   

1. Attend 1 Orientation and be sorted into a House

2. Attend 1 recharging of the Crystal of Power and become attuned.

3. Attend 2 classes/demonstrations

4. Attend 1 one-on-one session with a professor

5. Complete 1 Field Study - offered during semesters

6. Obtain a magically focused job or Apprenticeship under a Professor or Scholar:

⍫ Sophomore: 

1. Attend 1 recharging of the Crystal of Power and become attuned.

2. Attend 3 classes/demonstrations

3. Attend 2 one-on-one classes with a professor

4. Attend 1 group study session with other students

5. Complete 1 Field Study - offered during semesters

6. Perform 2 solo studies (post in OS IC Group Chat)

7.  When everything is completed, gather all reports into report log to turn it into Aigie Ryder (aigie.serevi) to be reviewed. Cannot use anything already turned in from 1st year.

⍫ Junior:     

1. Attend 1 recharging of the Crystal of Power and become attuned.

2. Attend 3 classes/demonstrations

3. Attend 2 one-on-one classes with a professor

4. Perform 1 group study session with other students

5. Complete 1 Field Study - offered during semesters

6. Perform 3 solo studies (post in OS IC Group Chat)

> 1st rp - RP Coming up with a project to study

> 2nd rp - RP gathering items for the research

> 3rd rp -  RP testing components 

7. When everything is completed, gather all reports into report log to turn in to Aigie Ryder (aigie.serevi) to be reviewed. Cannot use anything (other than Solo Project) already turned in from 1st or 2nd year.

⍫ Senior:  

1. Attend 1 recharging of the Crystal of Power and become attuned.

2. Attend 3 classes/demonstrations

3. Attend 3 one-on-one classes with a professor

4. Perform 1 group studies with other students

5. Complete 1 Field Study - offered during semesters

6. Perform 2 solo studies - (post in OS IC Group Chat)

> 1st rp - RP Finishing development of project and research

> 2nd rp - RP with Headmistress/head of house to talk about project. 

7. Schedule appointment with Headmistress or Vice Headmistress to hold presentation on research.

8. Perform demonstration on own project in front of CCOA Students and Faculty.

9. When everything is completed, gather all reports into report log to turn in to Aigie Ryder (aigie.serevi) to be reviewed. Cannot use anything (other than Solo Project) already turned in from 1st, 2nd, 3rd year 

10. Attend graduation

Graduate Curriculum


1. Pick a pathway to work towards: You can change your mind later if you choose to. 

2. Pick a field and specialization

3. Pick a faculty mentor

4. Thesis

5. Complete Thesis

> Accepted: If all chosen track requirements are completed, then retain official track designation

>> If accepted, you will be given first official job assignment. Includes weekly assignment reports to be turned in.

> Denied: Work to edit thesis until it is accepted

Graduate Pathway Curriculums:

These requirements are to be done along side your Graduate Program Itinerary.

For each task, your faculty mentor must sign off on completion. 

Do not forget to provide proof in Graduate Log.


1. Lead two (2) Crystal of Power Attunements 

2. Choose one professor to assist in classes and field studies

3. Obtain approval to teach one lecture/workshop for chosen field

4. Outreach:


1. Lead two (1) tours of the Cabbala caverns to potential new citizens and three (2) tours of the CCOA tower to new student applicants

2. Obtain permission to assist in three (3) Field Studies and one (1) class

3. Obtain approval to teach one lecture or workshop for chosen field

4. Outreach:

Magical Advisor:

1. Lead one (1) tour of the Cabbala caverns to potential new citizens and two (2) tours of the CCOA tower to new student applicants

2. Choose one professor to assist in classes and/or field studies

3. Attend one (1) court session for each territory and write a report on it

    **If the court session is closed to non citizens, you must figure out a diplomatic way to obtain permission to attend. Or... Sneak in!

4. Outreach: