The Horde

The Horde:  The Army of the Cabbala Amartia 

The Horde

In a cavern full of all matter of folk with a variety of appetites, its imperitive to have a force strong enough to enforce the Archon's law, and take up the defense of the Cabbala Amartia. While many disputes can be resolved in the Pits,  there are some laws when broken that demand brutal punishments. 

Lead:  Sapphira Vi (kingofthevoid)

A guard whispers to another,  "It is widely known  that the unofficial motto for law breakers is,  just don't get caught."  


Warlord:  The leader of the Horde

Harbinger:  The Second in Command

Reaper:  Third in Command

Brigand:  Fourth in Command

Dragoons:  Special Operatives

Confessors:  Torturer/Inquisition

Sentinel: Guards

Initiate: Recruits

Gladiator: Slaves

"It is not unheard of to bribe your way out of trouble."