
Cabbala College of Obscure Arts

The Cabbala College of Obscure Arts is the premier school for all those who have the will and drive to practice and learn about magic unhindered by laws or nature. Those who wish to enter the school's threshold find themselves thrust into a society of the Cabbala that is ever changing and fraught with intrigue—not a place for the faint of heart. With a wholistic approach to teaching, and a curriculum that is designed to allow its pupils the freedom and autonomy to develop critical and practical skills in magic, an education at the CCOA has the potential to carry one from this life to the next. 

Motivi Complessi

The Motivi Complessi is the jack of all trades guild in the Cabbala. We are the one-stop shop for any problem a person may have. This doesn't mean we wave a magic wand, and the problem is gone. It does mean that we have the ability and means to get whatever is needed to create a solution. Whether that be a meeting with the right person, the need for protection, an item highly desired, or a way to entertain the nobles. Give the guild a problem we will find a way to solve it.

The Black Mask Syndicate

Welcome to the Black Mask Syndicate, the official center of commerce and culture of the Cabbala Amartia. The purpose of the syndicate is to organize trade, legal or illegal while in it's shadows, a cult begins to grow.