Cabbala Slavary

Slavery in the Cabbala Amartia

Slavery is widely accepted within the Cabbala Amartia,  whereas other places within Sincadere it may be frowned upon.  Here, there are many versions of slaves both private and owned by the Keep. 

The Vinculum Servitas

The VS is a part of the main Keep or government of the Cabbala. The VS grants licenses to slavers to operate in Cabbalan territory and employs its own slavers to bring in fresh captives and train current ones, conduct auctions and gladiator games. Slaves are assigned rank in the VS based on their training levels and desirability for sale. All slaves in the Cabbala are registered with the VS and kept on file as proof of ownership. 

Lead:  Trinket (cyerce.kiranov)

Private Slaves should be registered with the VS to keep them from being "accidently" claimed by someone else.