Original Training Seminars



(These are 35 programs in addition to NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, and Trainer's programs

that Van der Horst has successfully presented in French and English; 

email brianvdh@gmail.com for detailed programs that interest you)

[Detailed outlines of 7 sample programs follow this list]

Change Strategies for Integral Evolution: Two-day weekend workshop with Brian Van der Horst -- Paris, 2010. For Details,  please see:  Evolutionary Change Strategies.pdf  One day version  brochure,  

Knowledge Management and NLP Modelling. Four day course on Knowledge Management, NLP  Analytical modelling, NLP  Behavioural modelling, Knowledge Capture and skills transfer. pdf

The Integral Vision:  Findhorn INTEGRAL 5 DAY POSTER.pdf 

The Integral Coaching  21-day Certification Course:  21 DAY INTEGRAL SEMINAR BV Version brochure.pdf 

Chaos/Complexity Management and Evolutionary Future Strategies. Three day seminar on future studies, scenario planning and predictions, based on NLP and work of Peter Schwartz, GBN: Scenario Planning; John Nesbitt: Trends; Jim Collins: Models; World Future Society: Forecasts; Helen Wambaugh: “Mass dreams of Future”;Ray Kurzweil: Building Spiritual Machines.  http://sites.google.com/site/wwwbvdhcom/original-training-seminars/ChaosComplexityFutureStrategiesforNLP.pdf?attredirects=0

NLP 21-Day Practitioner Certification Training Have personally taught more than 95 programs worldwide in English and French  for more than 7000 students, usually with 2 days guest appearances from trainers such as Robert Dilts, John Grinder, Steve Andreas, Lynne Conwell, Charles Faulkner and many others. Sample Program: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eztCxugJ2vLDDdbeKhbTfFHU7vBkY_jg/view?usp=sharing  

NLP 21-Day Master Practitioner Certification Training  Have taught in excess of 30 programs worldwide in English and French for more than 3000 students, usually with 2 days guest appearances from trainers such as Robert Dilts, John Grinder, Steve Andreas, Lynne Conwell, Charles Faulkner and many others.

Coaching for Professionals.  Three-day introduction to the art and science of Coaching for professionals of management and communication.

Coaching Certification Course 15 day program for managers and professionals of communication who want to become operational as a coach. 

Advanced Integral Coaching, Five day presentation for confirmed coaches for using new approaches and techniques of NLP and The Integral Operating System.

NLP Trainer’s Training  12 day training three modules of 4 days apiece for the experienced trainer who want to develop their pedagogical and performing skills by applying the tools of NLP and modern Communication Theory for creating experiential learning.  A course for evolving one’s identity and capabilities as a professional trainer that obtains immediate results.

Team Building and Leadership Development.  Two day seminar which is an introduction to conceiving, conducting, managing and promoting Leadership programs in-company. View Download

Public Speaking.  Five day course in platform skills, writing and planning, delivery and state-preparation of presentations, speeches and conferences. BVdH was president of the Paris Toastmasters club, and “Toastmaster of the Year” in 1989.

Stress and the Integral Relaxation Strategy Two day course on stress management for professionals.

Negotiation for Professionals  Two day seminar of nlp and advanced techniques of Negotiation

Intercultural Communication and Management.  Four day course for expatriate professionals and managers in trans-national, cross-cultural, or international organizations.Here: Inter-Cultural Communication

Creating the Corporate Speaker’s Bureau. BVdH has put together speakers’ bureaus for SRI International and created bureaus with 20,000 members for other organizations.  Two day seminar.

 Time Management. Two days, the NLP advantage of organizing planning and performance.

 High Performance.  Four day seminar centered around LAB profile and NLP management, motivation and personal effectiveness

 Media Techniques.  Three day seminar for professionals on how to plan, present, and conceive media interviews, press conferences, concentrating on radio, net, and television interviews.

 Sales Excellence, Three days of NLP techniques applied to Sales.

 Certainty, Creativity and Congruence Three Day Course --Productive mental strategies are not just dissociated sequences of thought.  They are a rich combination of emotional access, creative vision and metaphor, and trust in unconscious processes such as intuition and inspiration.

 The Model Of Models: Ken Wilber's Theory of Everything: the Integral Vision uniting all the human sciences.

 Creative Writing I taught this very popular course at University of California/ Sonoma for several years. Many of my students were published after their sessions.

 How To Get Published Or Produced, a marketing seminar taught at JFK University in San Francisco.

 Creativity And Complexity,  NLP modelling and systems thinking applied to an overview of creativity, chaos and complexity theory. Outcome: unleashing creativity in your given field, interest or profession.

 NLP and HEALTH:  NLP and Psycho-Neuro-Immunologic Interventions. Today, there exist too many techniques to teach in a practitioner or a master practitioner.  This is a seminar to open up the great variety of techniques that exist today to health practitioners

 “The Law Of Requisite Contrariety” is a seriously humourous presentation of one of the fundamental presuppositions of NLP: "There is no failure, only outcomes and feedback."  Taking the inevitable disappointments of life as feedback is a difficult behavioral frame to master.  Experiential exercises aimed at discovering the structure of forgiveness, compassion, and how to receive disaster as feedback will be provided, as well as a review of standard NLP techniques for embracing failure and uncertainty as information on what to do next.

 Intercultural Rapport.   An introduction to the field of intercultural communication.  I feel all humanistic psychologists would profit to know this field as well as  how to use the DSM-IV.

 The Structure of Emotional States, Beliefs and Meta-Programs. More than ever, these areas enable people to adopt the "attitude" and orientations of masterful practitioners of brief therapy.

 Emotional Intelligence And Intercultural Communcation An 8 day experiential course in developing the passion for difference and the emotional choice and flexibility necessary for successful cross-culture adventues.

 Holarchic Strategies: Certainty, Creativity and Congruence. (See below)

 Cognitive Strategies and Neuro-Science Applications with Brian Van der Horst

 Communication and Change Techniques for Consultants, Coaches and Trainers

 Therapeutic Techniques for Coaches and Health Practitioners

 The Outcome Strategy for Consultants, Coaches, and Trainers

 Metaphor for Consultants, Coaches, and Trainers





 1. Holarchic Strategies: Certainty, Creativity and Congruence.

with Brian Van der Horst


Four day seminar (2 weekends)

Open to practitioner level

If you find it difficult to make effective decisions, take time to motivate yourself and feel blocked in creativity, its not that you don't think well, but that you are thinking with only a fraction of your human capabilities.

Productive mental strategies are not just dissociated sequences of thought.  They are a rich combination of emotional access, creative vision and metaphor, and trust in unconscious processes such as intuition and inspiration.

Brian Van der Horst, an acknowledged expert in the classic  nlp strategies model has spent many years adapting the new discoveries of artificial intelligence, neuro-computing,  chaos and complexity theory to the NLP approach to improving intelligence and performance, offers a new model of strategic thinking illuminated by the work of Alfred Koeslter, Peter Senge, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Daniel Goleman, Ken Wilber and John Grinder.,

Perhaps the greatest promise of NLP is the  modelling  of human competence.  This ability to understand, and create a working model of a given human talent-- be it writing a book, composing a song, conceiving an invention, giving a speech, managing a team, doing therapy --or any of the human skills which demand a combination of thinking, behaviour and action is the heart of NLP's usefulness in the world.

The outcome of this seminar is threefold:

1. To  develop and refine participant's ability to detect, notate, evaluate and install cognitive and behavioural strategies.

2. To update the current NLP model of strategies and incorporate recent developments in neuro-computing, neurology, emotional intelligence, fuzzy logic,  complexity and chaos theory.

3. To evolve participants current thinking and level of artistry in using strategies for self and other individuals as well as for groups, organizations and cultures.

The science of modelling is based on the observation that human beings operate with habits that show up in patterns of thinking and behaviour.  An efficient, productive skill is dependable.  A talented individual can be relied upon to produce results on demand.  Most genius-level talents are so rapidly effective that their structure-- how the genius does what he does, what steps he or she takes in what order to produce the desired outcome-- is transparent, or invisible to others and frequently to the genius in question. 

NLP has created a system of notation and several approaches of modelling to help unpackage and understand the sequence of how talent operates.  The goal is to be able to create a model.  A model is a description of the tasks and steps necessary in a thinking and behavioural process that allows another person to learn how a talented individual operates, and sufficiently detailed to permit one individual to duplicate the method a gifted individual uses to produce structurally similar results.

While it may not be possible for someone to learn all the content information of a genius, for example all the mathematics, chemistry, physics and astronomy of an Einstein; it is possible for someone to learn the structural patterns of this man-- who described one of his insights about the theory of relativity as originating in the experience of imaging what he would see if he saw himself riding on a light beam. Similarly, a would-be dancer might not have the musculature or articulation, or the years of practice of a Baryshnikov-- but he could acquire the internal processes by which Baryshnikov motivates, organizes, directs and learns his dancing.

NLP has created hundreds of learning techniques, therapeutic interventions and management procedures through the years.  Each process is built on an underlying strategy. A strong ability to detect, design and utilize these patterns creates a certain ability to think more constructively, and to intervene and counsel others in a more structured, effective manner. 

Our current models of internal cognitive processes in NLP are based on the metaphor of the digital computer, which treats information in a lock-step, sequential procedure.  Modern advances in neurobiology, neurocomputing and cognitive science have demonstrated that the brain is more a massively interconnected, parallel network of widely-distributed, decentralized, simultaneously operating constellations of processes.

Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of the mind which draws on neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, psychology, anthropology, cybernetics, and the philosophy of the mind. As such, there is much that cognitive scientists share with NLP practitioners, and much we can learn from their models and discoveries.

The missing ingredients in much thinking about strategies is to fully take into account the emotional, intuitive, unconscious, and metaphoric aspects of effective skills, competences and abilities.  The work of current neuro-scientists has underscored the necessity to take into account what Daniel Goleman has called "Emotional Intelligence," or how our emotions guide us in the motivation, detection, and installation of effective strategies. This seminar will highlight with new information and exercises how to obtain emotional choice and how to access «La raison de coeur qui la raison ignore."

As in most human endeavours, mastery is an art as well as a science. While a considerable amount of new material will be presented in this seminar, the emphasis nevertheless is on practical exercises and practice.   NLP strategic methods can be mastered most readily through repeated experiences and real-life applications of this approach.  As each practitioner learns to master his tools, the art and creativity inherent in this method becomes easily accessible.



1. Overview of current advances in the Cognitive Sciences, Neuro-Computing and Neurology, c.f: O’Connor and Van der Horst.


2. Review and Exercises of NLP basics: The TOTE, notation, advanced notation for Meta Programs and Sub-Modalities, the Five Basic Strategies,  Well-Formedness Conditions, Detection and Installation Techniques.



1. Review and exercises of the Cameron-Bandler, Gordon and Lebeau’s Emprint Method.

2. Ken Wilber's model of holarchies.

3. Exercises detection, design and installation of learning strategies.


1. Strategies of Genius: the studies of Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Steve and Connirae Andreas, Robert Dilts,  in terms of strategies of famous scientists, therapists and leaders; among them, Viginia Satir, Milton Erickson, Einstein, Walt Disney, and the inner workings of selected international organizations.

2.  Peter Senge's work with Dynamic Systems: how to add feedforward and feedback to personal strategies. Demonstration and exercises,.

3.  Daniel Goleman's work with Emotional Intelligence.  Demonstration and Exercises.



1. Simultaneous systems: neural networks, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and chaos theory.  Representing and utilizing parallel processus of information, decision and action streams. Demonstration and exercises.

2. Presentation and practice with  The Emprint Method , Peter Senge’s Dynamic Systems model and Daneil Goleman's Emotional Intelligence work with  developmental and organizational strategies.


3. Team exercises of modelling strategies with video feedback.



1. What we can learn from the cognitive scientists: The well-formedness of strategies according the John Hopfield, Stephen Grossberg, Marvin Minsky, Rodney Brooks, Franciso Varella.  Demonstration and exercises.

2. Writing and presentation strategies: case examples and exercises of how to begin dealing with complex, inter-locking activities.


3.  Applying NLP strategies to professional and clinical contexts.  Exploration and exercises for applying strategic thinking to business and therapeutic situations.  What are the strategies of current trends in consulting and counselling from “Reinventing the Corporation” to “Brief Strategic Therapy?”

4. Clinic:  case studies and demonstrations of addressing seminar participants’ examples of problems and opportunities with advanced NLP strategies. When to be simple and when to be complex.

Suggested Readings:

Daniel Goleman

Ken Wilber

Edouard Fenwick

Peter Senge

The Embodied Mind

Stategies of of Genius


2. Weekend  Strategies

with Brian Van der Horst

Two day basic course 

Friday 18h30 - 22h

Saturday  9h30 -18h30

This course has been designed for those practitioners who which to take the next step in improving their capacity to use and understand the basic techniques of NLP. 

Strategies are a significant part of the broader picture of NLP modelling. NLP started as a goal oriented technology of achievement.    Historically, the first models were Gregory Bateson, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. From Gregory Bateson came systemic thinking and epistemology. From Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls came representational systems, the therapeutic application of parts of the Meta Model, and reframing.  Milton Erickson balanced what was until then a rather conscious approach, with his work on eliciting unconscious resources, use of metaphor, and what was to become known as the Milton Model of language and the art of anchoring. 

The first models were framed mostly as communication skills, and psychotherapeutic procedures. From these, NLP grew to become a systematic approach to the structure of our subjective experience. NLP has since grown by modelling excellence in education, sport, and business.

You cannot take a skill out of context without changing the skill. If you model Einstein’s thought process, you will not become another Einstein, however you will be able to enrich and broaden your own thinking using his strategies. This two day course will add to your potential to detect, understand, install and change strategies in your self and others.

Friday night

The Functional Components of the TOTE: NLP's Primary Strategy Model

The general model of a strategy is known as the TOTE (Test-Operation-Test-Exit). This was first formulated in the book Plans and the Structure of Behaviour  by George Miller, Eugene Galanter and Karl Pribram published in 1960.

The Fundamental Components Strategy Elictation

To model a skill, you focus on what the model does (behaviour and physiology), how he does it, (internal thinking strategies)  and why  he does it (the supporting beliefs and values).

To model a skill you need:

The behaviour and physiology.

The internal thinking processes.

The beliefs and values.

Strategy Dectection

A strategy is the internal thought process of the model:   a sequence of representations the person goes through in order to achieve their outcome. A strategy has three crucial aspects:

* The representation systems used.

* The distinctions within the representation systems (sub modalities)

* The sequence of the steps.

There are some  principles of well formed strategies too: it should have an outcome, and it should involve all three main representational systems (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic). There should be no loops without an exit point. There should be at least one step that relates to the outside world, among other characteristics.


The Five Fundamental Strategies

In standard NLP training, there are structurally five basic strategies taught, because all macro-strategies of complex behaviours can be chunked down to these five.

1. Memory.  People need have a way of encoding and retrieving experience.  This is the strategy we are talking about when we talk about the Lead System and the Primary Representational System.  Put otherwise, how to file experience and later, how to open up and understand your representations of experience.  The lead is analogous to DOS  system in a personal computer, the prime rep is much like if you use a program like Wordstar or Word.

2. Belief.  We have to have a way of testing between the constructed representations of our imagination and our “real” memories. This is often referred to as a reality, convincer strategy, and was originally taught as the Reference System.

3. Decision. This is where human being begin to factor in the criteria produced by the second strategy. When you make evaluations you decide. Life is a long river of little decisions. This is the strategy at the heart of the TOTE model.

4. Motivation. Here we often use a piece of our memory, a chunk of imagination, and of course, a decision piece.  But some people do this so idiosyncratically, that we tend to treat it as a separate genre, as in the two examples above.

5. Learning. Hear again, memory, motivation, and decision stategies are often nested together to accomplish a learning task.

Micro, Macro and Meta Strategies

The examples of memory, decision, motivation, etc. above, are what you could call a micro-strategy. It is small-chunked, and reproducible. When old-timers in NLP say that most people, on the level of structure have but between three and five basic strategies, this is what we are referring to: the last two strategies often replicate or use pieces of the first three.  Even complicated strategies like creativity, falling in love, negotiation, and national defence will all utilize combinations of the five fundamental strategies.

To account for real life, however, we need  a strategy model of parallel, interconnected and simultaneous process, expanding and enriching the existing linear, sequential model. Can this be done? 

This workshop will next examine modelling at a macro-strategy   level, one that includes several nested , concurrent loops. It can be done, after all, since most of us develop strategies for complex tasks like preparing a presentation, writing a book, courting a potential spouse, or running a client through an NLP technique.

We will conclude this workshop by examining what are the meta-strategies  of NLP, or the strategies for creating new strategies, such as Robert Dilt's Walt Disney Creativity Strategies, Mozart's composition technique, or Robert McDonald's strategy for healing co-dependent relationships.


3. Weekend Communication and Change Techniques for Consultants, Coaches and Trainers

With Brian Van der Horst


Friday 18h30 - 22h

Saturday and Sunday

1. Today, there exist too many techniques to teach in a practitioner or a master practitioner.  This is a seminar to open up the great variety of techniques that exist today for consultants and trainers.

2. Books exist, and are recommended reading for this workshop:  INFLUENCER AVEC INTEGRITE,  Genie Laborde, Intereditions. LA PNL DANS SL'ENTERRPRISE, Patrick Sary, Edit. ESF; AU COEUR DE L'ESPRIT, Connirae and Steve Andreas, Edit La Temperence;  PERSUADER POUR VENDRE, D. Moine & J. Herd, Edit Organisation.  But having these books available is not the same as learning them experientially.

3.  No one has categorized these techniques as to which belong to what great families of interventions.  What are the functional attributes of each genre, and what will they do for a given client/condition? This is a strategic approach to business interventions. 

4.  Case work will be demonstrated from my files, and those of participants.










Friday Night





            State preparation and learning variation.


            The art of presenting and sequencing educational and persuasion.



            Setting up TOTES for the business context.


            Techniques for motivation, presentation, and pattern detection.


            How to use context and content reframes consistently and transparently.


            Simple frames for using complex tools.


            Some advanced patterns of linguistic persuasion.



4. Weekend Therapeutic Techniques for Coaches and Health Pratitioners

with Brian Van der Horst


Two day basic course for medical practitioners.

Friday 18h30 - 22h

Saturday  9h30 -18h30

Two day basic course for Level II practitioners coachers who are also health practitioners.

1. Today, there exist too many techniques to teach in a practitioner or a master practitioner.  This is a seminar to open up the great variety of techniques that exist today to health practitioners.

2. Books exist, and are required reading for this workshop:  Belief and Health, by Dilts; The Psychobiology of Mind/Body Healing, by Rossi; Heart of the Mind, by Andreas.  But having these books available is not the same as learning them experientially.

3.  No one has categorizied these techniques as what are the great families of interventions.  What are the functional attributes of each genre, and what will they do for a given client/condition? This is a strategic approach to health interventions. 

4.  Case work will be demonstrated from my files, and those of participants.


























5. Weekend Outcome Strategy for

Consultants, Coaches, and Trainers

with Brian Van der Horst


Three day basic course.

Friday night 18h30 - 22h

Saturday 9h30 - 18h30

Sunday 9h30 - 18h30

All the skills of communication depend on the ability of gathering relevant information.  In this day of information overload, knowing what you need to know to solve problems and knowing what information is irrelevant to the practice of consulting, coaching or training becomes the essential competence of the effective counsellor or teacher.

The Outcome Strategy was originally created by NLP trainers Lynne Conwell, David Gordon and Brian Van der Horst to teach people how to ask questions like the most effective communicators.  It was conceived of a way to install the patterns of thinking that have been modelled out of hundreds of excellent examples of businessmen, investigators, knowledge engineers and educators.

This model is the jewel of the NLP trainings at Repere, and has been used the world over for deciding what should be done to help others achieve their goals and how to plan the methods and resources necessary for their accomplishment.

The effective realization of a given goal requires what are called in NLP certain Well-Formedness Conditions of information gathering:

1.  Positive Formulation.  A goal should represent the target conditions of success, not merely  the barriers to be lifted or the problems to be resolved.

2.  Specific Context.  Goal accomplishment depends on knowing what context, or what time and place, to begin an intervention, and how many steps until it will be realized.  Each step from beginning to end is a specific context, which if left unidentified, will automatically create false steps and wasted time.

3.  Causality and Attainability.   Some goals, such as "being perfect"  can never be attained.  Anything can always be improved upon.  Knowing what you can do, and what you can't is a key function of effective change.  Separating the effects of a problem from the causes of resolution is also imperative.

4.  Verifiability.  If one is not clear about the standards for performance and satisfaction of their goal, they will never know when they have succeeded.

5.  Values and Motivation.  All goals are important, but often one's own motivations and criteria are insufficient to produce the desired result.

6.   Worthwhile. Changing and accomplishment often require a great deal of effort through time.  Planning and foresight create produce results if one rigorously evalutes the time and effort required before initiating the task.

7.   Ecological. Every solution creates new problems.  Every change produces by-products and effects one's family, entourage, company and social system.  Ecological planning can produce results that will enhance one's environment.

The Outcome Strategy takes each of the above Seven Steps for Success, and and allows practitioners to be able to create a model of what is the Desired State of an outcome,  how to compare it with a realistic understanding of the Present State, and how to plan the intervening steps for producing  the results you want.

This information-gathering tool is also the key fundamental skill necessary for successful modelling, or the analysis and transfer of human abilities.  Those who wish to learn how to learn the talents of superior performers will also find this seminar indispensable for effective skill-building and knowledge engineering.

This seminar will be three days of experiential learning intended to allow participants to be able to use the outcome strategy systematically after this training.


The Outcome Strategy:  an introduction to modelling.

Positively Formulated Outcomes

Specific Contexts, and how to recognize them.



Cause and Effect, the basis of knowing what is possible.

Verifiable Outcomes, chunking evidence procedures.

Visual proof.

Auditory tests and internal strategies.

Kinaesthetics:  detecting and determining emotional states.



Criteria, Complex Equivalence and Values

How to recognize the components of belief and motivation.

Hierarchizing criteria: creating realistic priorities.

Ecology: planning on producing generative change and useful consequences.

Contrastive analysis and practice.


6. Weekend Outcome Strategy for Therapists

with Brian Van der Horst



Three day basic course .

Vendredi soir 18h30 - 22h

Samedi 9h30 - 18h30

Dimanche 9h30 - 18h30

One of the most compelling questions therapists ask themselves is  "What to do when?"  NLP offers a great variety of techniques for treating client's psychological problems and goals.  But which techniques, applied to a unique patients applied in which sequence will produce the most change?  The Outcome Strategy has been created to answer these questions.

All the skills of  communication depend on the ability of gathering relevant information.  In this day of information overload, knowing what you need to know to solve therapeutic problems and knowing what information is irrelevant to the practice of  therapy  becomes the essential competence of the effective therapist.

The Outcome Strategy was originally created by NLP trainers Lynne Conwell, David Gordon and Brian Van der Horst to teach people how to ask questions like the most effective therapists NLP has studied, including Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson.   The Outcome Strategy  was conceived of a way to install the patterns of thinking that have been modelled out of these and hundreds of  other examples  of excellent clinical practice.

This model is the jewel of the NLP trainings at Repere, and has been used the world over for deciding what should be done to help others acheive their goals and how to plan the methods and ressources necessary for their accomplishment.

The effective realization of a given therapuetic goal requires what are called in NLP certain Well-Formedness Conditions of information gathering:

1.  Positive Formulation.  A goal should represent the target conditions of success, not merely  the barriers to be lifted or the problems to be resolved.

2.  Specific Context.  Goal accomplishment depends on knowing what context, or what time and place, to begin an intervention, and how many steps until it will be realized.  Each step from beginning to end is a specific context, which if left unidentified, will automatically create false steps and wasted time.

3.  Causality and Attainability.   Some goals, such as "being perfect"  can never be attained.  Anything can always be improved upon.  Knowing what you can do, and what you can't is a key function of effective change.  Separating the effects of a problem from the causes of resolution is also imperative.

4.  Verifiability.  If one is not clear about the standards for performance and satisfaction of their goal, they will never know when they have succeeded.

5.  Values and Motivation.  All goals are important, but often one's own motivations and criteria are insufficient to produce the desired result.

6.   Worthwhile. Changing and accomplishment often require a great deal of effort through time.  Planning and foresight create produce results if one rigorously evalutes the time and effort required before initiating the task.

7.   Ecological. Every solution creates new problems.  Every change produces by-products and effects one's family, entourage, company and social system.  Ecological planning can produce results that will enhance one's environment.


The Outcome Strategy takes each of the above Seven Steps for Success, and and allows practitioners to be able to create a model of what is the Desired State of an outcome,  how to compare it with a realistic understanding of the Present State of the psycholocial problem, and how to plan the intervening steps for producing  the desired results  so that subsequent interventions will produce what is called in NLP  "Generative Change," or personal developments that continue to improve the individual's life in the future.

This information-gathering tool is also the key fundamental skill necessary for successful modelling, or the analysis and transfer of human abilities.  Those who wish to learn how to learn the talents of superior clinicians will also find this seminar indispensable for effective skill-building and knowlege engineering.

This seminar will be three days of experiential learning intended to allow participants to be able to use the outcome strategy systematically after this training.




The Outcome Strategy:  an introduction to modelling.

Postively Formulated Outcomes

Specific Contextes, and how to recognize them.




Cause and Effect, the basis of knowing what is possible.

Verifiable Outcomes, chunking evidence procedures.

Visual proof.

Auditory tests and internal strategies.

Kinesthetics:  detecting and determing emotional states.



Criteria, Complex Equivalence and Values

How to recognize the components of belief and motivation.

Hierarchizing criteria: creating realistic priorities.

Ecology: planning on producing generative change and usefull consequences.

Contrastive ananalysis and practice.


7. Weekend Metaphor for

Consultants, Coaches, and Trainers

with Brian Van der Horst


Three day basic course

Vendredi soir 18h30 - 22h

Samedi 9h30 - 18h30

Dimanche 9h30 - 18h30


This seminar will teach the skills of metaphor for consultants and educators who wish to refine their skills in  presenting counsel and learnings in the most effective form of communication: the metaphor.

Every business, every job is always, already working under it's own metaphor.

Is your work a battle you fight every day?  A garden you in which you grow new products?  A marriage, a sport, an adventure?   According to the metaphor which you have agreed upon, you will either be speaking and experiencing "campaigns," "competition,"  "marketing wars,"  or "growth industries."  Learning to recognize one's own operating metaphors can transform the experience of your work.

Every fact, every arguement, every bit of news, marketing, sales, and management is delivered in its own metaphorical package.  Mastering metaphor is an essential skill of every business and management task.

Brian Van der Horst, author of several books and more than 1,000 articles,  has presented these skills audiences around the world.  This workshop will be a series of demonstrations and exercises highlighting the following skills of story-building and delivery: