
Some References and Recommendations for Brian Van der Horst  

(recieved September 2018)

"Brian provided a very valuable service to my company over several years because he was able to be a very effective bridge between the Silicon Valley where my client companies were headquartered and their emerging leaders in their French operations.  The fact that Brian lived and worked in the heartland of high technology gives him knowledge and perspective of the mindset and values of the home base of the world's most significant technology companies. At the same time, his knowledge of France and of organizational psychology allowed him to aid his clients to succeed in their unique world. And, as a bonus, he was a delight as a colleague."

John Epperheimer , President, Workpath Group /362 Jackson Street / San Jose, CA 95112

 “I’m happy to note that Brian Van der Horst, a co-editor of the “Integral Vision” project , and a founding member of the Integral  Institute, has begun making available this vision and its applications to Europe through a newly-formed network of trainers, consultants, coaches and therapists aimed at developing an all-level, all-quadrant approach.

 “Given Brian’s knowledge of the four-quadrant AQAL model, I’m sure that the quality of their attempts will correspond to the standards I’ve appreciated among the many people working with the Integral Vision. Given his experience in the field of training and consulting, I’m sure he will help translate my work into applications that can help people evolve, honor, and integrate a maximal amount of research from the natural and systemic sciences with what can be learned from psychological, spiritual, management, and inter-cultural studies.”  

-- Ken Wilber  With 22 books on spirituality and science, and translations in more than 25 countries, Wilber is now the most translated writer on consciousness studies in the United States. His work formulates what he calls Integral Theory. In 1998 he founded the Integral Institute. 

“Brian was my executive coach for two years and really helped me to regain motivation to progress in my professional projects and to better enjoy my personal life. I have really appreciated our work together. He understands what the issues are in a sight and his support rapidly translates in important and long-lasting progresses. 

“I would recommend him for anyone who wishes to have coaching in terms of their business, professional, and personal outcomes.”

--Fabrizia Bignami , Global Medical Affairs & Patient Relations Director , GlaxoSmithKline Rare Diseases

« Je connais Brian Van Der Horst depuis bientôt vingt ans. J’ai toujours apprécié, son sens de l’humain, ses qualités pédagogiques dans l’enseignement, son savoir faire pour le coaching et la thérapie. Brian est un pionnier, Il a été un des premiers à introduire en France l’enseignement de  disciplines nouvelles notamment la programmation neurolinguistique... Ses capacités à enseigner et à pratiquer ces disciplines ne sont plus à prouver.  Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont été formées par lui et lui sont bien reconnaissants. »

                   -- Dr Hiame Cosma, Cardiologue  16 Rue Sadi Carnot, 92320 Chatillon

“Brian Van der Horst's wide range of experience and talent makes him one of the most creative trainers I've ever met. Both his writing and coaching radiate the natural facility he has for communication. Brian is a true pioneer in the field of human development.”

                                                --Arielle Essex, author of  Compassionate Coaching: How to Heal Your Life & Make Miracles Happen  and Practical Miracles: Choices that heal and build resilience,  has worked as a                                                                                                        healer for over 25 years, practicing various forms of complementary medicine and specializing in mind-body psychology.

“I’ve known Brian Van der Horst for several decades and during that time I have watched him excel at any number of different executive and consulting opportunities. I’ve been particularly impressed with his editorial work over the years. He is currently a Contributing Editor and the Paris correspondent for my newsletter: INTELLIGENCE – The Future of Computing. In all the work he has done for the newsletter he has been imaginative, perceptive and creative. He always fulfills assignments and provides copy-ready materials for us in a timely manner.

“Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to watch Brian in many of the trainings he has done and been able to speak to those who have completed his trainings and benefited from what he has offered. Brian is a fine, articulate and charming public speaker. He ability to hold an audience and to capture the essence of often complex materials in a comprehensible way has made him particularly effective.

“On a personal level, over these many years I have always found Brian to be ethical, honest and perceptive. I think he would be a sterling addition to any organization in an executive and/or consulting capacity. I can give him the highest of recommendations.Please contact me further for any information that I could additionally provide on his behalf.”

--Edward Rosenfeld, Editor & Publisher, INTELLIGENCE - The Future of Computing, Author  and co-author of Neurocomputing, vols I & II; and others on Neural  Networks, Gestalt Therapy and cognitive sciences

"Je suis formateur et coach, auteur d'ouvrages de management et de vidéos, ancien Associé Dirigeant de Repère et cofondateur du IETI, l'Institut Européen des Techniques d'Influence. 

Je recommande très fortement Brian Van Der Horst que j'ai connu chez Repère en 1999. En tant qu'Associé puis Associé Dirigeant jusqu'en 2004, co enseignant chez  Supelec en 2011. J'ai pu apprécier ses compétences de Leader, de Formateur, de Consultant et de Coach. Je l'ai très souvent vu faire preuve de clarté de raisonnement, de puissance de travail, de créativité et d'intuition. Il possède des qualités rares d'engagement, de finesse de pensée, et d'empathie. Centré sur les besoins et attentes du client, il sait créer le rapport optimal et amener avec simplicité et humour son client vers l'atteinte de son objectif. Avec Brian Van Der Horst, tout devient atteignable et apparemment facile à mettre en œuvre.

Il sait aider ses collaborateurs, stagiaires et clients à atteindre puis dépasser leurs Rêves." 

--Emmanuel  Portanery,  Consultant and author of multiple books on leadership, negotiation and management.

“Brian van der Horst has been a friend of mine for about twenty years.  He is a great professional, dedicated and committed to personal and professional development.  I have seen him train NLP and  with humour, compassion and  brilliance.  I thoroughly recommend him for work personal or corporate wherever change, transition and development is needed.”

--Joseph O'Connor Executive coach, director and co-founder of the International  Coaching Community.   He is the author of nineteen books published in twenty-five languages, including Introducing NLP, which has sold over 100,000 copies.

“Brian Van der Horst is a truly exceptional, versatile professional, with vast experience in many fields, including journalism, publishing, marketing, publicity, management consulting, marine biology, therapy and neuro-linguistic programming.

“I had the privilege to work with Brian Van der Horst as my Editor, on my first book “Master and The Green-Eyed Hope” – and this collaboration resulted in the book receiving two awards shortly after its publication, at the San Francisco and New York Book Festivals. Brian Van der Horst is the most knowledgeable, caring and supportive, highly experienced and skilled Editor, and I am honored and happy to recommend him highly to anyone who seeks the best.”

--Johanna Kern, film director/producer/screenwriter), and multiple award winning author 

« J’ai eu la chance d’être formé et certifié Praticien puis Master NLP par Brian Van der Horst de 1985 à 1987.

« Brian a fortement contribué à l’intégration des méthodes et outils de la NLP en respectant ce que j’étais, avec mes travers et mes qualités. Au-delà des acquis techniques, il nous a interpellé sur nos valeurs, nos projets de vie et notre éthique. Certes, j’ai pu animer des séminaires sur cette matière auprès de nombreux cadres et dirigeants, et surtout j’en garde des effets bénéfiques sur ma vie. Je précise que Brian nous avait fait travaillé à plusieurs reprises sur toutes les facettes du cadre d’objectif, qui de mon point de vue, est une fabuleuse approche pour construire l’avenir et traverser sans trop de dégâts les malheurs de la vie. La pédagogie de Brian était à la fois directive et élégante. Il nous invitait à pratiquer sérieusement les outils de la NLP tout en y ajoutant notre « grain de sel ». J’ai découvert au fur et à mesure de nos travaux que mon « obsession primaire » consistait à vouloir apprendre de tout en permanence, ce qui me sert encore aujourd’hui. 

« Vous aurez compris, en lisant ces lignes, que ma rencontre avec Brian Van der Horst fut l’un des éléments de mon bonheur. »

--Jean Louis MULLER  Directeur associé : groupe CEGOS (Europe’s largest training organization); Auteur et Co-auteur de plus de 12 livres sur le management, leadership et négociation. 

“This statement attests that Brian Van der Horst has been an executive coach and consultant since 1977, and business trainer and psychotherapist since 1984. Based in Paris where he founded The Integral Perspectives  Group Repère,  an international training institute. He has been working with two French consultants, To date, more than 10,000 people world-wide have participated in these programs. In 1994, he founded a coaching school, and certified more than 300 "life coaches" around the world.

“Van der Horst has been a founding member and Chief Facilitator in Europe, for Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute.  Previously the director of the NLP Center for Advanced Studies in San Francisco, an international NLP training institute,  he has also worked as a consultant with Stanford Research Institute in the Values and Lifestyles Program of the Strategic Environments Group.

“Van der Horst has taught at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California; The University of California in Sonoma; the University of Paris XIV, and XIII; and Apple University, France; He has conducted seminars in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and intercultural communication for MBA students at the Sorbonne, the Internal Management Institute in Paris, and at the Institut  d'Administration des Enterprises in Aix-en-Provence. He has initiated team-building and long-term management training seminars in Moscow, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, and various sites in Indonesia; along with 10 countries in the European Community.

“In journalism he has worked as an editor for New Realities, Practical Psychology, Playboy, and The Village Voice. His is the author of several books including Folk Music in America, Rock Music, and The Outcome Strategy; and over 1,000 magazine and newspaper articles. He has also been an acquisitions editor for J.P. Tarcher Books, Houghton-Mifflin, and hosted a television program in San Francisco. He currently writes for Intelligence, a newsletter on neuro-computing, and the Integral  Leadership Review and has been listed in Who’s Who in the World since 1994, and Who’s Who in America since 2007.”

--Stanley Krippner, PhD  Professor of psychology at Saybrook University, San Francisco,   Dr. Krippner  is a Fellow in four American Psychology Associations divisions, and past-president of two divisions (30 and 32). Formerly, he was director of the Kent State University Child Study Center, Kent OH, and the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory, in Brooklyn NY. He is author, editor or  co-author of 37 books on psychology.