Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court St. John the Baptist #2079
Brusly, Louisiana
Welcome! Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Monthly Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday except July and December at 7pm. Rosary at 6pm. KC Dinner at 6:30. Please come and join us!
First Friday/Saturday of the Month
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - 8am until 8pm, sign up for an hour. Come experience an hour of reflection before the Holy Eucharist.
CDA 2021 Scholarship
Ms. Bailey Richardson was the scholarship winner for 2021. Congratulations to Bailey!
Our SJB CDA Court # 2079 announces the $500 annual scholarship given to a graduating, confirmed, female parishioner.
Our Father's Day bake sale is the weekend of June 19 and 20th.
Sweet Dreams Shelter meal will be on August 29, 2021
Please see our calendar for our other scheduled events
CDA Scholarship Application
Court St. John the Baptist #2079 will award a $500 undergraduate scholarship to a graduating female high school senior who is a parishioner of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Parish in Brusly. This award is to be used for attendance on a full-time basis at an accredited college or university in the fall semester. Click Here to get to the Scholarship Application.