EMS Research
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
The EMS Division has been researching OHCA in RI since 2017. With numerous national presentations, a recent dedicated issue of the RI Medical Journal, and several upcoming publications, the EMS Physician researchers are reshaping prehospital care in RI through evidence-based study of patient outcomes. With collaboration from the RI Department of Health Center for EMS, the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and Lifespan, the EMS Division team is managing RIPCORD, RI's only active registry for OHCA.
Evidence-Based Guidelines for EMS Administration of Naloxone
Through a collaboration with ACEP, NREMT, NAEMSP, NASEMSO (and others), Dr. Williams is the lead author on the first guidelines for the administration of Naloxone in the prehospital environment.
CPR and First Aid Education
Through his work with the Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council, Dr. Asselin and his colleagues are studying the evidence behind first aid, CPR education and other lifesaving behaviors.