Sign up process

What is proposed is to remind current subscribers to the LEFE list that LEFE is affiliated to Britain for Europe and European Movement and ask them to choose between three options:

  1. (Recommended) Remaining on the old LEFE list as it becomes a list of members of all the groups with the Bromley-Lewisham area, the BLUE list. By this choice they are agreeing to data being passed to groups in the area which have equivalent privacy policies, and to organisations to which we are affiliated.
  2. Moving to a GDPR-compliant list of members of LEFE who want to hear about constituency-related developments from LEFE only.
  3. Unsubscribing and having all data deleted.

You can see an image of the draft email to members here. New members will be recruited in future to the Bromley-Lewisham list (Bromley and Lewisham United for Europe - BLUE).

The options and process for existing subscribers

1. The BLUE list

The process for brand-new members is quite cumbersome, as it involves multiple stages of confirming that the email address is authentic. So for existing LEFE members who choose to stay with the list as it becomes the BLUE list, it seems preferable to skip the email verification stages and move straight to the "manage my preferences" form. The form will be pre-filled with the data we already hold, leaving the member to complete it, including the GDPR field about preferred methods of contact.

That will then just lead to a confirmation message that the member's profile has duly been updated, and that is the end to the process.

2. The new LEFE-only list

This option is for people who do not want to consent to their data being passed to any other groups in the Bromley-Lewisham area. Rather than staying on the old list as it changes in nature, they are choosing to move to a new list which will re-create the status quo ante. So they will have to re-key their contact details onto a blank form.

3. Unsubscribe

We hope there won't be too many of those (screen shots to follow)

Those who sign up for the first time.

In front of their own keyboard

Sign-up and preferences

So the main list from now for contacting members across the Bromley-Lewisham area will contain basic contact data and consents to be contacted by email and other means as set out in this full form. A new member will have to fill the form in for the first time but usually the browser's autofill will make this easy and quick. The shortcut to the form which existing groups other than LEFE can use for their members is this:

Email confirmation

When that's done a screen appears saying a confirmation email is needed, and the email contains a further button. This is needed to ensure that third parties are not subscribed maliciously.

(the "LIST:ABUSE EMAIL" field will be replaced by our LEFE email address)

After a CAPTCHA check there's a screen confirming all is completed, with the option to go back to the preferences page,

Out on the street.

This website contains form that can be used easily on mobile phones or tablets. Two versions are provided,one super short, one a little longer on this page.

The previous version of this page is here.