Bromley and Chislehurst

The message we would like to send to Bob Neill is here:

Dear Bob Neill,

As your constituents, we the undersigned would like to thank you for the open-mindedness and sense of the national interest that you have shown in some past votes on Brexit. We would ask you to show the same spirit of open-mindedness and go and hear Justine Greening and Phillip Lee make the conservative arguments for a People's Vote on Monday next week at this event:

It seems to us that at present there is a complete impasse over how to come up with anything that could be supported by voters, the EU or the main UK parties. We cannot leave the EU with no deal. This was never spelt out to anyone in any campaigning or any discussion. People are now also very concerned about the interference in the referendum process by unfair methods and non-compliance with election law.

We think a People's Vote is the only sensible way out of this mess. We ask you, as our elected representative, to listen to their case and report back to us on any issues or benefits that you see after you have assessed its strategic wisdom, with a view to resolving the current impasse and finding a way to reunite our divided country.

Best wishes

Stephen Gosling, BR1 3QP

Diane Datson, BR1 1BQ

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