Lewisham East for Europe
Lewisham East for Europe
- Page on UKPEN.eu: https://sites.google.com/view/london-pro-european-network/south-east/lb-lewisham/lewisham-east
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/leweast4europe/home
- Former Website:
- Facebook group: Groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Leweast/ (137);
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/leweast4europe/ (109 likes);
- Twitter: @leweast4europe
Janet Daby replied to a constituent letter like this on 18 September:
Thank you for your email.
I support the view to have a ‘People's Vote’ on the final deal and with an option to remain in EU. I feel as a party we should be offering this and a future vision about reforms to the EU. Just so you know I have declared publicly that I support the peoples votes and you can see this here https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/mps-demand-public-given-new-12959130. I was in fact recently impressed with Sadiq Khan’s recent view on supporting the Peoples Vote https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/15/people-vote-brexit-sadiq-khan.
Please be assured that I will stand firm on this point.
Warm regards
Janet Daby MP
Labour Member of Parliament for Lewisham East
House of Commons
The letter that we are using to send to give her strength and support before the party conference is this.
Dear Janet,
As you embark on your first party conference as our MP, we want to send you our strong backing for your support for a People's Vote on the final Brexit deal - or no deal - with the option to remain in the EU. We appreciate that that has meant standing for an individual line that is at odds with the declared policy of the party leadership at present. We salute that.
But this conference could mark a critical point in the struggle to save Britain from Brexit. We call on you to bring all your powers of persuasion to bear on colleagues who stand in the way of this popular demand. We call on you to stand firm in the face of any contrary pressures. And we wish you all success. You can rest assured that our experience on the streets of Lewisham East and elsewhere convinces us that the tide is turning quite strongly now in favour of resisting Brexit, and that by maintaining your resolve you will be on the right side of history.
Best wishes
Gareth Steel
Chair of Lewisham East for Europe
co-signed by:
- Nick Hill SE3 0TA
- Jane Spiers SE13 7DY
- Eva Bigalke SE3 9TQ
- Martin McKee SE13 5RB
- Adam Garley SE6 1RG
- Alastair Gordon SE3 9LL
- Johanna Rawling SE6 2HU
- Penny Steel SE10 8AX
- Almut Belmain SE13 5QP
- Martin Page SE12 8LU
- Anja Heilmann SE13 5TA
- Liz Jennings SE12 0NE
- Frank Smith SE3 0BP
- Marilyn Keen SE3 9HX
- SE13 7NP