The physical experience of cycling was very fun as it was a more exciting way to tour the city of Munich. It is an experience in itself to feel the wind against my face as I rode around. Traffic could be nervewracking at times but it isn't as bad once you get used to it. Other cyclists would zoom by or ding their bells as they were more expereinced and familiar with the area, this was the first time for me where riding a bicycle felt similar to driving a car especially with the bikes having their own specific bike lanes, cycling highways, etc. 


I think what makes Munich a better cycling city than Cincinnati is that it has mapped out lanes for cyclists. Cyclists are a lot more regulated as well as they aren't just given barred off lanes in the main road. However Munich could make the cycling experience better by having more firmly regulated cyclists laws to protect cyclists. There is an issue with protecting cyclist safety in Munich and improving on ways to keep cyclists safe in a place like Munich that has a car culture, could be a great step towards bettering their cycling culture.


I couldn't imagine commuting to school on a bike everyday because I live pretty far from school and the route I take to school isn't really bicycle friendly. On top of that, I would have to purchase a bicycle and learn how to maintain one as well. There is also the concern of speed and proper places to park bicycles which I am not sure about when it comes to the main UC campus. However, if these concerns were to looked into and solved I would definitely consider cycling to class, other than the problem of being sweaty when showing up to class, I would enjoy the experience of biking back and forth as a whole. However, it would make after school grocery shopping a bit of a hassle.