When we think of a home, we may immediately keep into account someone's access to shelter. Which is a part of this definition to some degree. However, there needs to be more added to this shelter for it to not only bring more to one's life but also enhance its quality of it. Aspects such as comfort, stability, and love allow for this quality as it keeps the person attached to where they live. If they want to be there, they are more likely to flourish and continue to improve upon their life in other ways since they feel content where they live. 

Having a stable income, living somewhere well-kept with good sanitation along with space for family growth are also important. These aspects are what make a home last. Being able to afford your home, remain healthy within it, and promote growth turns a house into a life-long investment that may turn out to be extremely valuable not only in your present life but also in the future. Also, this value can expand beyond yourself and manifest in your family and many other aspects of your life.

A home should also be lasting, have a sense of belonging and feel safe. When you call somewhere home, it should be somewhere you are attached to and should also be a place you don't want to leave. Feeling like you belong in your home and feeling protected in your home allow you to have the luxury to focus more on things outside of where you live because there is a trust that your home is one you can always come back to with a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Your home isn't just four walls and a roof, as it can have personality, signs of life along with the ability to supply your wants a needs. Everyone has something personable to them and a home should reflect that. It is what makes a home truly yours. It is what makes your home feel familiar and comfortable. If you walk into your home and know where everything is, can pinpoint the familiar smell, or can still see the imprint of your body in your bed, it is safe to say this is your home. It doesn't need to be a mansion or a tent, it needs to be a place that provides you stability and is something you can look back on and say, "This is my home". Also, it doesn't need to be your house. It can be a club, a friend group, or even a fan base you're a part of because the key part of this is belonging, stability, and growth, which are the things that truly turn something into a home.