I enjoyed the BMW Welt and BMW Museum! I am a bit of a car nerd so this was of the places I was looking forward to the most to visit. From the flashy cars to how BMW built its brand, it is interesting how much went into creating the iconic car we know today. The earlier models were interesting to look at because it shows how the direction of a company and its design can change over time depending on the demand for cars at the time and what designs are prioritized. In class, we learned about how Germany has a huge car culture despite having public transit and a large cycling community. This car culture is so dominant that cyclists are usually at high risk when traveling in cities such as Munich because there isn't much governmental regulation when it comes to the safety of cyclists. It is interesting to see how BMW plays into this car culture and how owning a BMW has become such a statement of luxury.

Another thing that stood out to me was the section that highlighted the workers during WWII. When we think about WWII and the Holocaust we tend to not talk about the many businesses that benefited from forced labor on the backs of marginalized groups from countries such as the Czech Republic. Today we glorify the BMW brand without realizing its dark past and some of the methods taken to grow the industry. Through the Elvis exhibit, BMW is glorified and iconified but that shouldn't cancel out what went into the creation of this brand. This museum allowed me to get an idea of the BMW experience from its good moments and its darker ones.