PEACES - Postsecondary Education: Autistic Collegians' Experiences of Success Study

The largest and most insightful dataset on autistic college students in the United States!

Dr. Bradley E. Cox (Michigan State University; PI) and I (co-PI) have garnered more than $600,000 in funding, including a Spencer Foundation Large Research Grant for $500,000, to further our research endeavor on autistic undergraudate college student success in the United States. 

In Wave 1 (Fall 2022), we gathered perspectives from 430 autistic college student participants, the largest of its kind. Students completed a survey that featured demographic, Likert-scale, and open-ended questions.

We recently wrapped up Wave 2 (Fall 2023), which not only elicits perspective from new students, but also offers longitudinal data on returning students from Wave 1. At this point we not only gathered surveys, but also conducted interviews and assembled photo elicitation responses.

I oversee all qualitative research design components of the study, as well serve as the primary administrator and team leader for a group of faculty, practitioners, and graduate students across six universities. 

To learn more about PEACES, visit our webpage on the College Autism Network website.