Professional qualification exam materials are expensive and come on top of the cost of exams themselves.  To ease this burden, a group of AIA Brazos emerging professionals gathered in 2011 with the purpose of building a library of study materials which would be available to all AIA Brazos members, free of charge.  By 2014, they had raised sufficient funds to purchase their first set of Architect Registration Exam study materials.  Since then, the Emerging Professionals Group has continued to raise funds through various community programs, regularly updating and expanding the library.

If there are additional resources for the ARE or other professional qualifications you believe it would benefit the Chapter for us to provide, please submit your suggestions to the Study Material Coordinator for consideration.  


Materials are available on a first-come-first-served basis.  

AIA Brazos currently owns the following print materials:

We use Google Drive to host our digital resources.  As with all our materials, they are available only to current members of AIA Brazos. To request access, please contact the Study Material Coordinator and provide both your full name and preferred Google login email address.  We will send you an invitation to join the shared folder once your membership has been verified.

Founder: Pamela da Graça, AIA