Rose buddies program

Boston DSA's Rose Buddies program is a great way to learn about Boston DSA and become a more active member. Whether it’s your first time organizing, or you’ve been working to build the left for decades, DSA can be a bit overwhelming when you first get started. By getting paired with a mentor for 3 months, you’ll learn more about the work of DSA at both the local and national levels with the help of an experienced Boston DSA member. 

The program’s goal is to give you what you need to connect to the chapter work that will be most meaningful to you, to make social connections with others in the chapter, and to continue your political education as a socialist.

What is expected of participants? To graduate the program, you will meet with your mentor 5 times over the course of 3 months. Between meetings you will be expected to attend working group meetings, attend a political education event, and possibly complete a reading or two. 

While joining Rose Buddies is not required, it is highly recommended for new members ready to get involved! Sign up for a mentor by filling out this form.

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