coordinating COMMITTEE

Boston DSA is headed by a Coordinating Committee, composed of the two Co-Chairs, who are the leadership and public face of the local, the Treasurer, the Communications Coordinator, two Membership Coordinators, the Clerk, and four at-large elected committee members. The Coordinating Committee coordinates and oversees the work of the variety of Working Groups and Committees, which are the focuses of DSA Boston’s organizing efforts, and has responsibility for holding General Meetings.

The Coordinating Committee meets twice a month, and its meetings are public and open to all Boston DSA members. The Coordinating Committee can be reached at


“The Executive Board administers the affairs of the Local and oversees the implementation of the decisions of the Annual and Regular Meetings; it may also propose policy to the Annual and Regular Meetings. It shall have the power to receive reports of any Committee or Branch, and advise thereon, to call Emergency Meetings of the Local, and to act on any matter which requires immediate and urgent action. The Executive Board shall be responsible for maintaining any local office, and all decisions relating to the employment of any local staff. The Executive Board is the regular executive body of the Local, and thus subordinate to its legislative bodies, the Annual and Regular Meetings.”

The Coordinating Committee is one spoke of Boston DSA's overall structure. See the Boston DSA Structure page for more.