Boston DSA Chapter STructure

Boston DSA operates as a membership organization with internal democracy. Internal democracy means our members:

  • Elect leadership of the chapter, working groups, committees, and regional branches. The Coordinating Committee, two chapter co-chairs, treasurer, communications coordinator, two membership coordinators, and four Harassment and Grievance Officers are elected every spring. Working groups, committees, and regional branches and neighborhood groups typically elect two co-chairs every six months, although this may vary from group to group.

  • Vote on annual chapter internal and external priorities. The chapter typically passes two internal priorities to expand the capacity and power of the chapter and two external priorities, usually campaigns that organize the working class.

  • Make electoral endorsements with a 60% majority of the chapter. DSA members and other candidates on the left have sought Boston DSA's endorsement because they know that our field organizing program brings analysis and strategy, votes, and power.

  • Amend bylaws and pass policies within the chapter. Bylaw revisions require a two-thirds majority to pass, and the chapter passes policies, such as the code of conduct and the Harassment and Grievance procedure.

  • Vote to send delegates to the national DSA convention. National DSA holds conventions every other year, usually the summer of odd-numbered years. Each chapter has a delegation proportional to its size, and Boston DSA will hold internal elections for members to select our chapter's delegates.

Typically, these elections happen through online voting. New members need to either attend the General Meeting or have been members for at least thirty days to participate in online voting following a General Meeting.

For more on the structure of the chapter, you can read through our Chapter Bylaws on our website. The bylaws are the most authoritative set of rules at the chapter level, and any changes to the bylaws must be voted on by the whole chapter.

Visual of our Chapter structure. Our membership is at the center of all we do, with spokes connecting our Working Groups, Committees, Neighborhood Groups, Caucuses, and Coordinating Committee.

A visual of our Chapter structure. Our membership is at the center of all we do, with spokes connecting our Working Groups, Committees, Neighborhood Groups, Caucuses, and Coordinating Committee.