Trevor Davids
Earth & Environmental Science
I am a Junior at BLHS, and I am most interested in
My post high school goals include: Pursuing a bachelors degree in STEM
STEM courses I have taken: Biology, Honors Geometry, Graphic Design Fundamentals, Honors Algebra II, Honors Chemistry, Horticulture, Psychology, and Zoology. I am currently enrolled in: College Biology, Pre-Calculus, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Honors Scientific Research.
Current research overview: I've been looking at the impact titanium dioxide nanoparticles have on regeneration, specifically on the segment regeneration of Lumbriculus variegatus. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles can be found in a variety of products including: cosmetics, food, paint, and (most importantly) sunscreen. When entering the ocean the sunscreen is washed off, so I wanted to see if titanium dioxide nanoparticles that managed to be washed into the ocean could have potential impacts on aquatic organisms. L. variegatus, also known as the Californian Blackworm, were chosen due to there exemplary regeneration capablities, being able to regeneration from a fragment 1/50 of the original size, and their relatively lax living requirements. The data I've managed to collect seems to suggest that titanium dioxide nanoparticles have little effect on regeneration, at least in the concentration used (0-1.5 mg/L) .
Final Trifold Board & Manuscript