Spring 2022 ideathon

misinformation disinformation

33 Students

8 Teams


Interdisciplinary collaboration between

CSC211H Advanced Programming Techniques (Dr. Azhar)
& SOC111: Understanding Technological Society (Dr. Salam)


Covid 19 Misinformation

Covid 19 - A pandemic is spreading fast globally. Those who are not experts in the health industry are getting misinformation & disinformation through the media such as social media, sowing doubt and confusion about the virus.

An app that provides the users various information on both Anti-Science and Pro-Science based on proper context. Additional links that our app will direct the user to reliable and informative sources.

Team Members: Eliza Tejada (SOC111), Bar Kroitoro (CSC211H), Ali Muhammad Subhan (SOC111) and Elizabeth Phillips (SOC111)



Our solution is an app and called iNfOflag. It will detect false information by scanning the screens the user would like to scan for controversial topics, such as “ Covid is fake,” and “the vaccine is dangerous.”It will then let the reader know that these topics are possibly misinformation, and in turn link articles from credible sources such as the CDC, NIH, WHO, etc.This will allow the user to gain access to information that is scientifically studied and proven.

Team Members: Chaya Droznik (CSC211H), Jelitza Morales (SOC111) and Islande Bouquet (SOC111)


Is It True?

misinformation watchdog website that will distinguish between credible sources and sources that are known to have special interests and spread incorrect information.

This solution would also seek to educate the public on what disinformation is, how to identify it and what steps they can take to limit the amount of disinformation they encounter.

This solution would be based on research and also a community of academics that are able to fact check, verify and update the website as the disinformation evolves.

Team Members: Euripides Soto (CSC211H), Amadou Diallo (CSC211H) , Elanor Bock (SOC111) and Glendalys Ramirez (SOC111)

🤝 Best Collaboration Award 🤝


We think that if we want to prevent or lower the spread of conspiracies and rumors, we must provide people with the truth and solid information. How are we planning to do it? We believe that people will believe everything that you say to them if it sounds believable and you present something they can relate to. We want to change that.

Our solution is to build a website/app which will show known rumors and provide the information to stop them from spreading. The information will be taken from known and proven sources like doctors, people that have studied the spoken areas for years and we can listen to them. Then, people will be able to tell the difference between bad information and good information while it will also be able to stop spreading some of the rumors.

Team Members: Shir Shachar (CSC211H) and Marawan Magid (SOC111)