ideathon 2022 topic

Racial Justice

87 Students

13 Teams


Interdisciplinary collaboration between

CSC101-1700: Principles in Information Technology and Computation (Dr. Azhar) & SOC100-510: Introduction to Sociology (Dr. Wissinger)

CSC101-1900: Principles in Information Technology and Computation (Dr. Azhar) & SOC100-509: Introduction to Sociology (Dr. Wissinger)

About the Racial Justice topic

Students will choose between one of three themes under the Racial Justice topic.

Theme 1: Racial bias from police or law enforcement

There is a need to analyze multiple viewpoints when a crime occurs

Often after a crime, many people will have a different perspective on what actually occurred. Witness and police accounts may tell a different story, with each group making assumptions based on their vantage point and past experience. These differences will be magnified if there is racial bias from the police or law enforcement agency. This is a problem that is urgently in need of solutions.

Theme 2: Spotting judicial bias

On being arrested for a minor crime, the rate of incarceration for black youths in the US is typically three times that of white youths (Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Jail Inmates in 2018 Table 2). Understanding this judicial bias can be useful for defense lawyers to directly address racial disparities in the judicial system when representing their clients. This is a pressing problem that needs many good minds to come up with solutions to it.

Theme 3: Voting rights / Navigating complex policies

The voting process can be difficult to navigate even for those most highly-educated. Restrictive local processes, changing requirements, regulations, an inability to access the correct voting location, and a lack of information means that millions of minorities, including the Black community, have had their votes go uncounted, purged, or simply not submitted due to lack of faith and trust in the system. This is a very important problem that needs attention especially as we build up to the 2024 presidential election.

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