ideathon 2022 topic

misinformation disinformation

33 Students

8 Teams


Interdisciplinary collaboration between

CSC211H Advanced Programming Techniques (Dr. Azhar)
& SOC111: Understanding Technological Society (Dr. Salam)

About the misinformation disinformation topic

Students will choose between one of three themes under the Misinformation/Disinformation topic.

Theme 1: Covid-19 Misinformation and Disinformation

From Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:

Usually during health emergencies we see 4 types of false information: mischaracterization of the disease or protective measures that are needed; false treatments or medical interventions; scapegoating of groups of people; and conspiracy theories—often about the existence or origin of the pathogen, profiteering, or politics. We did an analysis of misinformation during the Ebola crisis in 2014 and are seeing many of the same themes in this outbreak today.

Theme 2: Climate Change Disinformation

From NPR - How decades of disinformation about fossil fuels halted US climate policy:

It's the most recent in a string of defeats to aggressive climate action that stretches back more than 25 years.

The U.S. has contributed more heat-trapping pollution than any country over time and has been the prime driver of global climate change. The national debate about how to address the problem has raged for decades, but progress toward a solution has been slow. Whenever presidents or Congress have introduced measures to slash emissions to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change, they've been repeatedly derailed.

Theme 3: Cellphone and Wireless Technology (5G) Conspiracy Theory

From The Atlantic:

Now the advance of cellphones and, more recently, the new high-speed networks built to serve them have given rise to a paranoid coalition who believe to varying degrees in a massive cover-up of deleterious harm. The devices are different, but the fears are the same: The radiation from the things we use every single day is destroying us; our modern world is a colossal mistake. The stakes are about as high as they could possibly be: If it were true that our cellphones were causing brain tumors, that our wireless devices were damaging our DNA, and that radiation emanating from cell towers was sickening us in any untold number of ways, this would be the greatest human health disaster the world has ever known. As well as, perhaps, its greatest capitalist conspiracy.

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