BLM - Uncategorized

This gallery features artworks where artists chose not to select one of the exhibitions's themes as representative of their work, and instead to address a multitude of themes of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Click on an image below to visit each artist's page, with additional info and images.

Julian Cordero

Daniel Dixon-Wirt

Mona Dworkin

Mona Dworkin

Lekia Evans

Ray Johnson

Jere Kittle

Jere Kittle

Devyn Lauren

Shantell Lewis

Shantell Lewis

(Curators' Choice)

Shelley Lynn

Manuela Mourao

Ellen November

Shirley Paul

Curtis Robinson

Anne Savedge

Noah Scalin

Susan Singer

Malik Stanley

Scott Tilghman

Ciara Walton

Jennifer Yane

Jennifer Yane

Chia Yang

Click on an image below to visit our other galleries, with additional artists, info and images.
Injustice in America
The Black Pastoral
Inspiration & Aspiration
In Memoriam
Emerging Voices