Biological Interface Group
Uncover curiosity-driven questions.
Seek scientific answers.
Prioritize humans above all.
No limitations in chemistry, biology, physics, or engineering.
All backgrounds welcome.
Our lab is in YTN Science (FEAT, 선민, 서현, 세민, Sarath, 동윤 and missing Ivan and Sang Ho)
QUICK LINK : LAB IN MEDIA/PUBLICATIONS/NEWS/LAB311/Lab_Facebook /Members/Highlight/Public Lecture/Outreaching
- 2024 BrainLink X-Lab day in Busan (2024.12)
+ Luxurious Biannual Meeting (Prof. Parker, Han, Liu, Tomo, Tae, and Lab-Company CEO Hong and Nam) and friends, including Nina and many.
- International Conference on Appropriate Technology (2024-10)
- our group allumni meeting together
Our lab activities, selected in
Featured in Advanced Healthcare Materials
by Ivan, artwork by KS (2024.11)
Featured in Advanced Materials Interfaces
by Dipta, NY, SH, Aorn, artwork by SH (2024.9)
Mr. Husband, celebrating her wife, Dr. Huong's graduation (24-6-21)
Picture of the Month (2024-06) Best Bartender Ever
ACS Portfolio-Wide Diversity & Inclusion Cover Art Series in 2024
Pipetting Hand, Together, Editorial featured by Kwanwoo Shin
Story : Scientific progress relies on the maxim that scientific inquiry knows no bounds: new results and insights are not dependent on the location of the scientists who conducted the work. However, there is no similar guarantee that researchers in disparate locations will have equitable opportunities to participate in science. ...continued
미국 화학회는 2024 다양성 및 포용적 과학기술 활동을 저널의 커버의 Art-work으로 하는 ACS Portfolid-wide Diversity & Inclusion Cover Art Series에 서강대학교 바이오계면연구소, 서강-하버드 USD Biohybrid Center의 활동을 특집으로 게제하였다.
ChemBots, New Paradigm in Chemistry lab (Hankookilbo, 2024.5) - JM, JA and Dr. Lee interviewed
Why pubic hair is curly ? (2023.10), reported. (JW, SR, HY)
Last day of Dr. Lee SH, moving to Industry. Farewell! (2024-10-31)
WELCOME! Steven Jocksch from Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen joined our group as an research internship student (2024-05)
WELCOME! Nayoun, and Sung Woo (again!) from Sogang Unversity, joined our group as a internship student.
WELCOME! Aorn (Research Professor) from Thailand joined. She was a former internship student from Chulalonkorn University.
Hyun, married and alumni meeting. Congratulation (Nov. 9, 2024)
2024 제 11회 교육 ODA 컨퍼런스 주제발표. (2024.8.29), 경남도민신문
국경없는과학기술자회, 몽골 낙후지역 육아 및 보건 지원활동 (2023.7.30) 뉴스와이어
웨스트포인트, 육군사관학교와 "AIAD Program"과 "Conference" 개최 (2023. 7.11), 한겨례
Prof. Shin participated in SynCell Global SUmmit 2024
Picture with participants, (2024, 10.23), the 1st SYnCell Global Summit
AIP highlights our recent review at Biophysics Review
One of the biggest Tech Communities, introduced our Chem-bot! More info,
CRIC highlights Kwanwoo's research career and philosophy.
***POSITION OPEN (Post-docs and Students) We are waiting talented and passionate students (Undergraduate, Graduated) and Post-doc
year-around. Email your intention to Prof. Kwanwoo Shin,
본 연구실 (서강대학교 화학과/바이오융합/바이오계면연구소)은 학생과 Post-Doc을 상시모집합니다. 학부연구생, 대학원석사, 석사박사통합과정,
장기적으로 연구를 수행할 Post-Doc의 지원을 기다립니다. (신관우교수 (에 이메일)
Welcome, Dipta (new Ph.D. student) and DY (returing from military service).
Our group' some curiosity-driven research
A dream for man-made live cells
Diagnostic chips made only with a inkjet printer
People living with volcano ashes.
3D printed water filter, for people.
How are the particulate matters different at different altitude ?
Human hair vs. dog hair vs. cat hair, are they same?
Bacteria living under high pressure.
Alumni News : Dr. Veasna Soum
Received UNESCO "The 2nd Prize" of the Outstanding Cambodian Scientists Awards ! Congratualtion! (2024-3)
Alumni News : Dr. Agustina Setiawati
Received 2023 Best Researcher in Science and Technology from Sanata Dharma University. Congratulation! (2024-1)
CURIOSITY-Driven Researches, highlighted.
eatured in Advanced Healthcare Materials
by Ivan, artwork by KS (2024.11)
Featured in Advanced Materials Interfaces
by Dipta, NY, SH, Aorn, artwork by SH (2024.9)
Featured in Advanced Intelligent Systems
by JM, JA and others, artwork by KS (2024.5)
Featured in Advanced NanoBioMed Research
by Dipta, Sarida & Sarath, artwork by KS (2023.11)
Featured in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
by Veasna, Viktor, Huckjin, artwork by KS (2023.10)
Featured in small methods
by Ly, SH, SM, and EJ, artwork by KS (2023.12)
Appropriate Technology - Reseach in Action
In the summer of 2022, Prof. Shin visited, Sanata Dharma University to meet Dr. Nina, Dr. Monica, who worked as a lecturer, and the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to meet Dr. Viesna. Our alumni opened their labs and are doing excellent jobs there. (more activities of appropriate technology)
Sogang News (2022.08) Prof. Shin at RUPP
Monica's lab
Nina's lab
Veasna's lab
Research Highlight : Artificial Organelles (Published in Nature Biotech. June, 2018), more here
2023 Sogang-KMA-USMA "West Point Symposum", held at Sogang University (2023. 7. 7)
Timo Weis, who did intership in our lab, visited our lab again (2023.09)
Featured as Cover (June 2018)
YTN, Artificial Cells (05/28/2018)