3. Color-Coded Synopsis, Part 8


84. Cleansing of a Leper (same as section 42)

85. The Centurion of Capernaum

86. The Widow’s Son at Nain

87. The Healing of Peter’s Mother-in-law (same as section 37)

88. The Sick Healed at Evening (same as section 38)

89. On Following Jesus (same as section 176)

90. Stilling the Storm (same as section 136)

91. The Gadarene Demoniacs (same as section 137)

92. The Healing of the Paralytic (same as section 43)

93. The Call of Levi (Matthew) (same as section 44)

94. The Question about Fasting (same as section 45)

95. Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage (same as section 138)

96. Two Blind Men (compare with section 264, blind men at Jericho)

97. The Dumb Demoniac (compare with section 117)

98. The Harvest Is Great

99. Commissioning the Twelve

(compare with section 49, the names of the twelve, and a partial overlap with section 142)

100. The Fate of the Disciples (compare with section 289, in the Olivet prophecy)

101. Exhortation to Fearless Confession (same as section 196)

102. Divisions Within Households (all of this is also in section 204)

103. Conditions of Discipleship (also included in section 217)

104. Rewards of Discipleship

105. Continuation of Journey

106. John the Baptist’s Question and Jesus’ Answer

107. Jesus’ Witness Concerning John

108. Woes Pronounced on Galilean Cities (compare with section 178)

109. Jesus’ Thanksgiving to the Father

110. “Come Unto Me”

111. Plucking Grain on the Sabbath (same as section 46)

112. Healing the Withered Hand (same as section 47)

113. Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea (similar to section 48)

114. The Woman With the Ointment

same as section 267 (Luke) and section 306 (John)

115. The Ministering Women

116. Jesus Is Thought to Be out of His Mind (compare with section 121)

117. Jesus Accused of Working with Satan (compare with section 188)

118. The Sin Against the Holy Spirit (first part same as section 197)

119. The Sign of Jonah (compare with section 154 and 191)

120. The Return of the Evil Spirit (same as section 189)

121. Jesus’ True Family (same as section 135)

122. The Parable of the Sower

123. The Reason for Speaking in Parables

124. Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower

125. “He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”

126. The Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly

127. The Parable of the Tares (compare with section 131)

128. The Parable of the Mustard Seed (compare with section 209)

129. The Parable of the Leaven (same as section 210)

130. Jesus’ Use of Parables

131. Interpretation of the Parable of the Tares (compare with section 127)

132. The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Pearl

133. The Parable of the Net

134. Treasures New and Old

135. Jesus’ True Family (same as section 121)

136. Stilling the Storm (same as section 90)

137. The Gerasene Demoniac (same as section 91)

138. Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage (same as section 95)

139. Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth (compare with section 33)

140. Second Journey (to Jerusalem)

141. The Healing at the Pool

142. Commissioning the Twelve (compare with section 99)

143. Opinions Regarding Jesus

144. The Death of John the Baptist (first two verses same as section 17)

145. The Return of the Apostles

146. Five Thousand are Fed (compare with section 153, feeding four thousand)

147. Walking on Water

148. Healings at Gennesaret

149. The Bread of Life

150. Defilement – Traditional and Real

151. The Syrophoenician (Canaanite) Woman

152. Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute and Many Others

153. Four Thousand are Fed (see also section 146, Feeding of 5000)

154. The Pharisees Seek a Sign (compare with section 119 and 191)

155. The Leaven of the Pharisees (compare with section 195)

156. A Blind Man Is Healed at Bethsaida