5. Color-Coded Synopsis, Parts 12-13


251. Departure to Judea (same as section 174)

252. On Divorce and Celibacy

253. Jesus Blesses Children

254. The Rich Young Man

255. On Riches and the Rewards of Discipleship

256. The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard

257. Jesus at the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem

258. Jesus Withdraws Across the Jordan

259. The Raising of Lazarus

260. The Chief Priests and Pharisees Take Counsel Against Jesus

261. Jesus Goes to Ephraim

262. Third Prediction of the Passion (compare with section 159 and 164)

263. The Sons of Zebedee Want a Favor

264. Healing the Blind Men at Jericho (compare with section 96)

265. Zacchaeus

266. The Parable of the Pounds (compare with section 299)

267. The Anointing at Bethany (same as section 114 and 306)

268. The Plot Against Lazarus


269. The Triumphal Entry

270. Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

271. Cleansing the Temple, Return to Bethany (compare with section 273 and 25)

272. Cursing the Fig Tree

273. Cleansing the Temple (compare with section 25 and 271)

274. The Chief Priests and Scribes Conspire Against Jesus

275. The Fig Tree Is Withered

276. A Question About Authority

277. Parable of the Two Sons

278. Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen

279. Parable of the Great Supper (same as section 216)

280. On Paying Tribute to Caesar

281. Question About the Resurrection

282. The Great Commandment (same as section 182)

283. Question About David’s Son

284. Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees

285. Lament Over Jerusalem (same as section 213)

286. The Widow’s Mite