Bibit Traut, PhD.

I am a broadly trained biologist interested in the consequences and maintenance of biodiversity.  I received my Ph.D. in Ecology from U.C. Davis and Masters degrees in Botany from Oregon State University and Marine Sciences from U.C. Santa Cruz. I completed a research fellowship at U.C. Berkeley before coming to CCSF in 2005.  I enjoy sharing my enthusiasm for the natural world with students, both in the classroom and the field.    I also have the pleasure of serving on the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council.

I am a fan of Haiku!  I wrote my first haiku in 2nd grade under the guidance of my amazing teacher Dee Uyeda.  Often, I find myself overcome with a haiku as I am out exploring nature.  Instead of storing these poetic musings in the deep corners of my mind, I have taken to capturing the moment on instagram.  

If you are so inclined, check them out at #bibitsbiobits

Reflections of sky,Lepidopteran dreaming,Returning to flight.