Welcome to BIO 106

Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology


Welcome to BIO 106 (Fall 2021)

During this semester we will explore the fundamental principles of human anatomy and physiology. Through this integrated course, our roadmap will lead you to understand how structure determines function and to speak the universal language of medicine.

This class is being taught by remote instruction consisting of weekly modules with online lectures, discussions and labs. Weekly modules start at 10 am on Monday and end the next Monday at 10 am. For scheduling purposes, if you register for a remote section, please plan to be available at the days and times listed. Your teacher will contact you with the exact schedule prior to the beginning of class, but you will not be required to be available at any times other than what is listed.

General Course Overview (Fall 2021)

Bio 106 is usually an in-person with weekly lectures and laboratory meetings every Tuesday/Thursday from 1:10-4:00 pm. However, due to COVID-19, the entire course will be taught online. You can always meet with me online via virtual office hours. In fact, I will have virtual office hours either on Tuesday or Thursday from 1:00-2:00PM (consult the CANVAS Calendar for exact dates).

During the 1st week, I will host a REQUIRED zoom meeting during our scheduled meeting time on Tuesday 8/17 from 1:30-2:30 pm. You will access this meeting using the CANVAS calendar (or you can email me for the link). This first meeting provides the opportunity for me to orient you to this course and to answer any questions you might have. For those on the waitlist or wanting to get into the class, it will be even more important for you to join as I will note your presence and give you priority if space does open up in the class. SO, please plan on joining on Tuesday, August 17th!

Please note that anyone who does NOT participate in the “M1: Discussion Meet Your Classmates by August 20 will be considered a NO SHOW and dropped from the course so that I can add others who are interested in adding the course. As such, if you are looking to add (whether on the wait list or not), plan on attending the first meeting on August 17th! Email me for details.

BIO 106 is a 4-unit course that fulfills the Area C, Natural Science CCSF requirement and meets requirements for transfer to CSU and UC.

For more information, please read the BIO 106 Course Syllabus for Fall 2021 and the list of topics covered in the BIO 106 Course Schedule.

EXAM DATES are listed below (you must submit these at the designated date/time, see CANVAS for details; these will be online and not in-person due to COVID-19):

  • Lecture Exam 1 on 9/23 from 1-2pm

  • Lab Practical 1 on 10/01 from 1-2pm

  • Lecture Exam 2 on 10/28 from 1-2pm

  • Lab Practical 2 on 11/23 from 1-2pm

  • Lecture Exam 3 on 12/09 from 1-2pm

  • Final Exam due on 12/14 at 3pm

Instructor Contact Information

Instructor: Bibit Traut, PhD.

Please contact me through the Canvas Inbox (preferred) or by email at bibit.traut@mail.ccsf.edu. I will check both of these regularly and usually respond within 48 hours during the week and by Monday morning if you email me over the weekend (after 5PM on Friday).

Office Hours: via the CANVAS Calendar.

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Log-in instructions for Students

Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

Introduction to Online Learning (12 min video tutorial)

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.

More Resources

Land Acknowledgement

Indigenous communities have lived in and moved through this San Francisco land over hundreds of generations and Indigenous peoples from many nations make their home in this region today. Please join us in recognizing and honoring the ancestors, descendants, elders, and all other members of the Ramaytush, Muwekma and Ohlone peoples.