RSM Australia


BFD22 Speaker

Insurance, super and retirement planning for practice owners

Life can get extremely busy for people who work in the medical sector, finding the time to take care of your own needs is never easy. Our goal is to keep your finances on track with financial protection and wealth accumulation strategies, in order for you to achieve financial independence.

In this session, we will cover:

Super Strategies

Personal and key person insurance (for unplanned exit)

Investing outside the practice (for planned exit)


BFD22 Speaker

Payroll tax and pitfalls

In recent years, following a number of high profile cases, there has been a number of significant developments on the application of state payroll tax legislations impacting medical and other health practitioners. It has put into question the effectiveness of some long term structures and arrangements within the industry which potentially could mean higher cost of running a practice. This session aims to highlight the payroll tax aspects that are highly relevant for medical practitioners and what you can do to reduce the impact to your practice moving forward.


BFD22 Speakers

Exit strategies and preparing for sale

Considering whether to continue to operate or sell a medical practice is likely one of the most critical professional decisions. Preparing for sale and understanding what purchasers are looking for will assist in achieving the best outcome for both the vendor and purchaser. In the session we will cover:

Preparing a plan to make your practice ready for sale

What information should you prepare and retain for the sale process

What are some of the benefits or risks of selling;

How do purchasers value practices

Broad steps in the sale process

The session will be presented by a member of our Corporate Finance and Assurance teams.