Oxlade Financial


BFD22 Speaker

Financial Healthcheck For Doctors

Ensure you are building a financial fortress and not a house of cards.

In this session we will cover:

  • Investment strategies, both in and out of superannuation

  • Superannuation contribution strategies

  • Personal insurance strategies to stay protected and minimise costs

  • Debt strategies to build your personal assets

Why doctors need great financial advice, and the 6 questions to ask an adviser before engaging them

Managing your finances with an adviser can be hugely beneficial for wealth creation. Understand the difference a great Financial Adviser can make to your situation, the kind of advice doctors can expect from an Adviser, and how to pick a good Adviser from the bad.

In this session we will cover:

  • The benefit of great long-term financial advice & why busy, successful doctors must have an exceptional Adviser in their corner

  • An understanding of what Financial Advisers can actually help you with (and what your accountant can’t)

  • What to expect when engaging an Adviser, and the process of getting advice

  • 6 simple questions to ask that will help you know if an adviser is right for you