Hoxton Medical Practice Management


BFD22 Speaker

Optimising Practice Management to reduce hassle and increase margins

Effective practice management requires such a broad skill-set that rarely can the role of ‘Practice Manager’ be filled by a single person. Modern practices make use of handy software integrations and outsourced services. When these are set in an environment informed by strategic planning and thorough business planning success looks easy! In this session, we will review some essential elements of effective modern practice management, and consider the software and outsourcing options that can fill any capability gap.

  • Management structure and effective management roles in General Practice

  • Benchmarking, business planning and setting a budget

  • Financial handling, reconciliation and financial reporting

  • A whole of practice approach to relationships and patient care

  • The evolving practice and who is responsible for taking it to the next level.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the scope of software options that can be used in General Practice to make management more efficient

  • To readily identify management and administration functions that can be outsourced to reduce costs and improve business resilience

  • To have a framework for improving the effectiveness of your current practice management


BFD22 Speaker

Team work and motivating your managers

Human capital is foundational to the success of every practice. Whether a single doctor practice or a multi-site multi-doctor practice, the team supporting healthcare delivery can provide the biggest headaches but also the greatest joy.

Setting-up high functioning teams starts and ends with culture. In between are a number of elements that deserve the attention of practice owners. In this session we will dissect the magic sauce of excellent teams and team work, with practical steps on how to solve your recruiting and retention issues in medical practice.

  1. Designing your team

  2. Defining your team

  3. Guiding your team