AutoMed Systems Pty Ltd


BFD22 Speaker

Digital Marketing and Brand Building with the aim at growth and long term patient retention with improve continuity of care

This session will cover the topics below:

  • Brand Importance

  • Creating a digital ecosystem to retain patients

  • Websites Must-Haves

  • How to appear on top of Google (Google Ads, SEO, Social Media)

  • Effective electronic Marketing

A hands-on checklist for social media, websites, SEO etc can be provided during (download link)/after the session, enabling Practice Owners to initiate an immediate review of their online presence to help them drive their businesses forward.


BFD22 Speaker

Using IT to overcome profitability challenges within General Practice

Throwing IT blindly at a problem has never delivered a desirable outcome.

This session will work through a practical step-by-step process that is guaranteed to deliver a complete and coherent IT solution that will streamline your Practice's processes.

We'll firstly define the challenges, review the general processes that exists within the Practice and identify the participants within these processes.

A coherent IT ecosystem is then implemented to automate, control and govern the processes within the Practice, with staff doing a define and consistent "gap-fill" where automation is not feasible.

The 7 steps to decrease costs and improve income

Seeing more patients per hour doesn't necessarily result in increased profitability and can even lead to patient churn and increased clinical risk.

If not more patients per hour, how else do you increase your clinic's profitability?

This session will examine process flows that typically burn through your cash without direct benefit to your clinic.

We'll end the session with recommendations and guidelines that can be used to improve patient loyalty, optimise your billing and identify where Doctors may not be billing efficiently.