1 Group Property Advisory


BFD22 Speaker

Location and Property Strategy for Private Practice

The research and parameters for location success, what are the macro and micro aspects of this important and expensive decision. Buying versus leasing, site due diligence and nailing your negotiations.

Property Investment - Building a balanced portfolio

What does it mean to diversify? we deep dive into the strengths and considerations of all property strategies and breakdown whats most advantages and what's most risky. Why is commercial property investment so popular? and how come development works for some and not others? Is buying and renovating real that time consuming?

Through case studies and real life examples we will break down recent investment strategies, what you need to look for and create to ensure a property portfolio that works for you

Successful Property Investment in the Current Landscape

Investing in residential or commercial property is often the linchpin of doctors wealth creation and generally a strategy they feel comfortable with, however; each decision and acquisition should be carefully thought out and executed. Quality over quantity and getting the strategy, research and property selection right can mean you have far superior outcomes to the general market.

- Opportunities and risks in the current climate

- Where are we investing and why?

- How to identify high growth properties

- Property selection criteria