97 Years Mascotless

1938 Eau Claire Teachers College Men’s Basketball including Toughy the First

The Toughys


Toughy II was named unofficial mascot of the Eau Claire Teachers College Basketball team. This was the second cat used as a mascot of the team. Toughy II was a descendant of Toughy I who had gone missing at a hotel after an away game the previous year. Toughy I was a stray cat adopted by the team and Coach Zorn. As Toughy II was adopted it was decided that he would stay in Eau Claire and be present at home games. His debut was a game against Superior. 

Buster Bulldog


In December of 1956, the College Art Club announced a contest to create a school mascot. With the aid of the Math Club and the school's Student Government. The Art Club asked students to create something that represented the college. The student body would vote on the designs, with the final decision left to the alumni who would approve or deny the mascot that garnered the most votes. 

Buster Bulldog, created by Dick Richardson, won with 87 out of 440 votes. Nothing was ever done with the bulldog, however, thus starting the first of many mascot competitions. 

In the fall of 1957, a member of the Student Government proposed using Buster Bulldog as a way to encourage school spirit by creating a paper mâché head.

Later rendition of the Bulldog Mascot Concept

“People are constantly asking me what’s a Blugold? I tell them I don't know. I like the mystique.
We’re unique; no one in the country has the same name as us.”

 -Tim Petermann, 1984 Sports Information Director

To Mascot or Not to Mascot

What is a school without a mascot? How do they find unity? 

Eau Claire had strength in school spirit for almost a century before Blu the Blugold joined the family. 

For many years, students did not want a mascot.  Both students and alumni found pride in their peers, sports, and our unique lack of mascot. However, even with this sense of pride, the question of “What is a Blugold?” persisted.

Rival schools, students, and even professors questioned what a Blugold was for years. It meant something different for everyone and never truly had a real definition. Even to this day, there is still discourse about what a Blugold is. 

Mascot Art Competitions

December 1956–February 1957

Result: Buster Bulldog

November 1965–January 1966

Result: No Mascot

February 1985–March 1985

Result: Bookstore Mascot