An organized collection of comics and other content from the story, Beyond Bloom. 


On the quiet island Jaddo, something mysterious happened one day with a bush-bare rose and violet-black flower coming into bloom.

Now in human-like bodies, the flowers will embark on adventures ahead of them, making friends along the way, on their quest to discover how they were given new bodies and for what purpose.


Beyond Bloom is estimated to have begun in 2005 (when the author was 12-13) and was finally completed November of 2011.

Starting from a doodle of Tatsuma in a sketchbook; a personification of a black flower, Sikue was designed shortly afterwords. Soon, the adventures began from the imagination of a careless, wide-eyed youngster.

It has its share of flaws, plotholes, and gratuitous spelling errors, but it is a story near and dear to the author's heart.

As of 2017, Beyond Bloom is being remade with some much-needed tweaks to the storyline, additional developments, and new characters.

And thank the heavens it's not drawn on lined paper!

Click here to go check it out :)

(Status: Currently ongoing)