Anderson University (Spring 2011-present)
- EDU 519: Emerging Trends and Practices in Educational Technology (online course)
- EDU 540: Technology for the 21st Century Classroom (seated course)
- EDU 220: Technology for the 21st Century Classroom (seated course)
- CIS 399: Mobile Learning in Higher Education (blended course)
Clemson University (Spring 2009-Spring 2010)
- CU 101: University Success Skills (seated course)
- ED 111: Introduction to Supplemental Instruction (blended course)
University of Mississippi (January 2007 – May 2008)
- EDCI 358/558: Integrating the Internet in Education (online, synchronous and asynchronous)
- EDCI 557: Computer Concepts & Applications for Educators (blended, co-instructor with Dr. Anne Monroe)
University of Georgia (Fall 2004 – Spring 2006)
- EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology (blended course; co-instructor with Dr. Janette Hill)
- ESCI 5400/7400: Reflection in Science Teaching (teaching internship with Dr. Lynn Bryan)
Gainesville College (January 2003 – June 2005)
- CISM 2201: Computer Information Systems