Travel + Off-Campus Events

Should a student organization plan a trip or event that is to take place off-campus, the organization is required to travel with an advisor and submit necessary documentation to the Office of Student Engagement at least three weeks prior to the event or trip. 

The following steps will guide student leaders through the Travel Preparation Process. Students should complete an Event Form for any and all student organization events happening off-campus - this includes nearby parks, Nashville monuments, and travel outside the city, county, or state. 

Upon completion of this form, the Office of Student Engagement staff will work with the student leader to create an appropriate waiver, and will provide that digital waiver through email.

If considered 'off-campus activity,' student leaders should prepare to require attendees to complete a digital waiver upon arrival to the event.

What's the Difference between Off-Campus Activity and Travel?

An activity is considered travel if at least one of the following is true: 

Waiver processes differ slightly, depending on whether the activity is deemed ‘travel’ or ‘off-campus activity.’ 

Does the Office of Student Engagement recommend one type of transportation over another? 

Not necessarily, but if you are planning to carpool, we recommend letting your organization members organize their own plans for carpooling, as it will decrease the amount of liability on the organization. 

Does an advisor have to be present for off-campus activity and travel? Are there any exceptions? 

An advisor does need to be present for off-campus events and travel, but does not need to be present for off-campus meetings. 

If groups are in a situation where advisor presence seems unnecessary (heads up - it's not likely!), they may request exemption through email to