
Opening an On-Campus Agency Account

Please complete this form with the following information and upload It within the "Student Org Agency Account Request form" on BruinLink. 

Once submitted, OSE staff sends these requests the 15th of each month to Finance and Accounting for processing.

Upon creation by Finance & Accounting, will receive an email from OSE staff with follow-up information.

Accessing your On-Campus Agency Account

Information regarding your agency account balance will be entered into Bruinlink monthly. To access your organization's agency account information, navigate to the 'Manage Organization' function within your group's Bruinlink page. Click the menu in the upper left-hand corner, then click "Finance." 

On this page, you will see the following information: 

Acquiring Funds for your On-Campus Agency Account

Funds can be acquired through several methods: 

Depositing Funds into your On-Campus Agency Account

You can deposit funding by completing a 'Deposit Request Form' (also linked under 'Campus Links' on the Bruinlink homepage). Once you complete the details, you will bring the form and the associated funds to the Student Engagement Office (Gabhart Flex) for processing. Don't forget your FOAPAL for this form; Fund - 11000, Org - 000, Account (specific to your organization), Program - 00. 

Utilizing Funds from your On-Campus Agency Account (Checks + Reimbursement)

There are several different ways your organization can utilize the funds that are in your agency account.