Works in Progress

May 22,2022

This week was the artistic thinking process I decided to do a collage on one side of my book, and that's what this is. I included people and things from multiple different cultures. I didn't try to organize it in a certain way, i kind of just place's them down and I thought it looked really cool. I then used some modge podge for the finish.  I spent this week specifically cathering the things to make it and I did a few drawings on the other side but I wanted to show the final product. 

May 15, 2022 

Today was the artistic thinking process specifically inspiration. We went outside and I got to observe the tree's and just nature around me. Although the drawing is really ugly, it kind of gave me a chance to think about what makes up a tree and the different parts that go into each one. I also really liked working with the cool pencils. 

May 6, 2022

This week was the artistic thinking process, specifically inspiration and development. When we went outside for urban sketch time, I had to observe my surroundings (the buildings) and figure out how to show them. Then from there I went and did some sketching. Most of it is a brick wall but there was also some glass that was beside it, and a tree that was behind it. I kind of had to experiment with how to make the glass actually look like glass. 

April 29, 2022 

This week was progress and goals. I made progress on my foreshortening Project. I spent a lot of time working on getting the measurements for the paper so I could make the grid lines. I made a goal to have at least half of my drawing done by the end of this week and that's exactly what I did. This week I did part of the background (the table) and finally got to part of the actual person (the shoe).

April 3, 2022

This week was the creation stage of the Artistic thinking process. I have started my final drawing and I'm working on making sure that everything is right. I'm trying to get the head shape to be more oval and the cheeks a little more round. Other than that I think that its going well. I want to make sure that the hair texture is also on point as well. So hopefully I'll get that right. 

March 26, 2022

This week was struggle and plan to overcome. Something that I struggled with was the eyes and the nose. I need to figure out a way to make sure that the eyes do look the same and are in the right shape. I also need to make sure that the nose doesn't end up looking like a pig. So I need to make sure that I don't make the nostrils too big. As for the eyes, I don't know yet. 

March 18, 2022

This week was Artistic thinking process specifically the development stage. We had to try drawing different side profile pictures and I think this was my best one. I think it's pretty accurate of the original drawing. I really like how I did the nose and ears. I had to continue to practice how to get the right face shape and lips.

March 13, 2022

This week I finished my drawing. It is the sharing section of the artistic thinking processes. I'm getting ready to turn it in for a grade. To finish this project up, I did the rest of my shading and finally added the highlights on the lenses of the glasses. I also added the lettering, and the feedback that I got on my sticky notes helped me to think about that and complete it.  

March 6, 2022

This week continued with the creation part of the artistic thinking process. We got feedback on posted notes, and the feedback that I got was helpful. When I get to shading probably on Monday, I will have a better idea of how to do that better. The questions that I got also helped me to think more about how I'm going to put the lettering on the temple piece. I also was very grateful for the praises. 

February 25, 2022

This week is creation and my progress, so far, on my final drawing. Ms. Keeney helped me figure out that I need to trim down my reference photo to be able to transfer it onto my drawing. She also helped with drawing the one side of my drawing because I was trying to figure out how to draw it on the angle. So it's starting to come together now and I have the outline of the glasses and I just have to work on the shading. 

February 20,2022 

This week was development/creation. I spent time practicing what my final drawing is, and I've been really trying to figure out how to make the glasses slant at an angle. I asked for some feedback and help for trying to do so, and it came out ok. It just seems a little disproportionate and I do need to work on my shading but it is coming together. I also tried to draw the textures from the table. 

February 11, 2022

This week I feel like I made a lot of progress on textures. My favorite thumbnail drawing is the one at the top. I feel like it looks really close to the original, and I did well with it. Next week I want to learn how to do texture drawings for glass or shiny things, I struggled a bit with it for one of my drawings. 

February 6, 2022  

This week was both inspiration and development. Inspiration, because as I was looking at the still life (what we focused on this week) I spent time observing the objects, and then thinking of the best way to sketch them. Then from there it moved onto practicing. Practicing how to add texture and how to make it look like the object, but also not spending a lot of time making it perfect. Then from practicing, it went to sketching. Which was making a more finalized sketch (for the thumbnails) and making sure that it had texture but wasn't absolutely perfect. 

January 28,2022

This week I focused on development. I really worked on my sketching, and practicing it more and more. I also kind of learned a bit more about it. I knew what the types were but, I came to understand them a bit more. I also learned more about looking at things from different perspectives, and how to kind of show my perspective through my drawing. I still think that I have a lot more to work on, especially with shading and making my drawing come to life a bit more. I also want to work on the shadow part of a drawing.