
Return Address Lable 

Business Card 


Artist Statement: Package Design 

This packaging is what flowers could possibly be delivered in. You put the flowers inside the box and close the lid for protection. When I was looking for ideas, I found that when you deliver flowers or have them in packaging, it’s typically either a round box like the one I made, a rectangle box, or a square one. For the package I used a round box that I found at Hobby Lobby, cream spray paint, rose gold letter stickers, and flower embellishments that I found. First I spray painted my box and let it dry overnight. Then the next day I place all of my embellishments on it. The emotion that this package expresses for me is happiness. When I think of flowers, I think of happiness and joy. This is exactly how I imagined the package coming out. One thing I did learn was that using spray paint on the cardboard box was not the best idea, and if I ever do this in the future, I should use acrylic paint. 

Artist Statemnet: Cover Design 

My title for this work is the Fallen Angels. Originally I was going to make my own title for the cover, but when I realized that my design already went with one, I chose that instead. It took me a while to realize that “ The Fallen Angels” is the name of a song on the album but not the title, but by then I was completely done. For my work, I used marker, paper, and pencil. The process to create my art work was making the fire and wings so that when I later added the words I could make sure that they would fit. I dont really feel like much emotion went into this, but it is black veil bride inspired. I don't feel like this piece went towards any specific goals that I had. This piece came out exactly as I wanted it too, especially the wings. 

Calligraphy: Artist Statement 

 I’m hoping that I did this project right. For my calligraphy project I used uncial calligraphy. The illustration for my artwork is supposed to represent earth. For my project my tools were my calligraphy pen, water color, and paper. First I started out with making the shape of the world and then adding the words in calling on the inside. I didn’t actually shade in the letters because I wasn’t sure if I wanted them to be in color or just black. Then I proceeded to draw out where I wanted the land to be on earth. I then used my watercolor and colored everything. It actually does express an issue that is going on around everywhere which is the lack of care that goes into taking care of the planet. Between climate change and people’s disrespect toward the planet, the earth that we know right now is becoming more and more damaged. I do like how my piece came out.