Work's In Progress

May 2, 2021

This week was artistic thinking process specifically creation. I put my design onto a bigger sheet of paper and developed a few for things, such as the wings. They have more detail to make them look more like wings. I still have no clue on what the title should be, but I want the album's name to either include fire or wings in it, and then maybe the band name can include one of those too. I don’t really like my fire, so I am trying to find a way to make it look more like fire, so hopefully it will come out better in the end. I just feel like there is something missing with the fire. 

April 25,2021

This week was artistic thinking process, specifically development. This is the one out of my three sketches that I chose for my album cover design. I haven't chosen my title yet. I chose it because it kind of reminds me of a rock album, and rock is my favorite type of music. It caters to people who may want to get angry, scream, or let out negative emotions. That is what rock helps me to do, so I wanted to create an album that helps with that. As for color, I think I want the wings to just be white, maybe I could add some gold detail, and I want the fire to be orange and yellow. 

April 11, 2021 

This week was the artistic thinking process, mostly the creation part. I made two designs for my business card. One in white and one in a coral color. I also changed some of the colors around to see what would fit best and where. I then got feedback from my mom.  Based off of the feedback that she gave me, I decided to use the coral business card. I feel like the coral business card made everything stand out more, and it also went with the color of my logo. It also helped me choose the color scheme for the letter head and the address label. 

March 19,2021 

This week was, struggle and plan to overcome. I don't have a picture of it because I threw them away, but I spilled coffee on my desk and it got all over my ATC cards. I was reaching to grab some ribbon (which is one of my embellishments and my arm hit the cup and it fell over. I was able to save two cards but the rest were ruined. What I did was planned out certain time, and specific days that I could use to redo the cards, so that I could have them done it time. Some of the embellishments I bought specifically for this got messed up, so I improvised with other things that I had at home. 

March 11, 2021 

( i don't know why the picture wont turn properly.) For this week, It was artistic thinking specifically creation. This is one of my favorite atc cards. It's a hot air balloon, for the ribbon I wanted to make it bumpier so it would look like the wind is hitting it. It came out exactly how I envisioned. Though I was struggling with trying to make sure the ribbon would stay in the lines. I had to cut the sides to make it more curved, which was a little hard to do, but in the end it all worked itself out. 

March 5,2021

This week was, struggle and plan to overcome. One struggle that I had was making the designs small enough to fit on the cards, especially this one. I couldn't get the sails right when I tried to transfer it onto the card, I also wasn't using a pencil like I should've been, so I messed up obe of my cards. How I overcame this was by doing a small design on scratch paper and then when i transferred to the card I used pencil instead of pen and then I outlined. 

Feburary 19, 2021

For this week I used the Artistic thinking Process, specifically the developing stage. This is a rough sketch that I made for what I want one of my ATC cards to look like. It has a plane as the center focus and in the background it has a sun or a hill ( which I haven't decided yet). I wanted to do something around it to show that the plane was going somewhere, so there is a road beneath it and more hills beside the road. For this sketch I looked up other ATC cards, to get inspiration. I also looked at my mom's ATC cards for inspiration. 

Febuary 12, 2021

For this week, I used Artistic thinking progress. I wanted to make a background So i had to figure out what I wanted to use to get the design ( I chose a card). I then went to my mom to see if she had any insight because she's done backgrounds for ATC cards before. I then though of possible colors that would look best with what i wanted to put n the card. Then I just made the background with a design that I saw fit. I did have to redo it again because I didn't like the way that I made the design with the card but I liked the final way that I did it. 

February 5, 2021 

This week I again found that I was using the Artistic thinking process, especially inspiration and  development. When we were making the Layer Sandwich in photo pea, we had to observe a video so that we could have an example on how to make the sandwich. I then had to think about the most effective way to make the sandwich and find a way to make it look more realistic. I then moved on to developing because I had to practice what I just saw. As Ms. Keeney said this project was also supposed to be practice for future reference, for when we may do something with layers again. 

January 29, 2021

I did an artist thinking process this week. Specifically creation, we got feedback on our syllabus redesign, so I had to reflect on the feedback that I got and revise from there. There was a problem that I had with a busy background, so based off of the information Ms. Keeney gave me, I had to figure out a way to mute it a little bit and remove a few things that had to do with the text such as the underlined words. Feedback is so important because you get a different perspective on how to change things for the best of your assignment.