Works in Progress

May 30, 2021 

This week was development in the artistic thinking process. For our abstract landscape project, I chose to use a picture of the sunset. In the front there are some grassy hills. Toward the back there are many trees, and the setting sun is shining behind two trees. The trees have no leaves (honestly not sure why), but have many branches. The sky almost looks like it has lines in it, and there are beautiful colors in the sunset. In the sunset there was orange, red, yellow, white and a bit of blue. I chose it mostly because I love the colors involved and I like the trees. 

May 23, 2021 

I guess this week could be considered creation because we had to create a 3D color wheel. This color wheel seems like it is supposed to help us learn more about color. It was also really fun to make, and the colors look beautiful because of the contrast between the light and dark colors. There wasn't any revising or getting feedback that went on, but there was a bit of reflection on the colors, and the many ways that they can change and become new colors. I like that colors can be made by experimenting. I wonder who gets to decide what colors get to become known and which ones don't. 

May 16,2021 

This week I used the artistic thinking process, specifically creation. This is a picture of my line drawing before I started shading. Throughout making the drawing, I had to stop and look at the drawing to see if more lines needed to be added or if I needed to remove some. I also got feedback from my parents to see what they thought about the lines and the spacing of them. I was told to add a few more lines in the blank areas before I started shading. That feedback then helped me get to the point where I could start shading. 

May 9, 2021

This week was artistic thinking process, specifically inspiration. This week I was mostly focused on choosing which project I want to do. I looked at more designs for each choice and though about which one would be cooler to do.  I chose abstract drawing because i just feel like it would fun and cool. Looking at the abstract drawings that Ms. Keeney showed us, showed me that there are many things that you can do with the idea of abstract. It doesn't have to be a certain way, and you can taker an idea and make it into your own drawing. I also like the idea of shading, because it can come out really cool if you do it correctly. I also planned out a few things for how I want to do the project and how I want it to look.

May 2, 2021

This week was development because it was mostly practicing sketching. For my sketch, I sketched grapes, a pear, and a pineapple. I don't like the way that my basket came out, and I feel like I should have done a different type of detail for it. My favorite fruit included in the basket would probably be the grapes. I like the way that they are shaped and how some of them aren't perfectly round because they are against other grapes. I also like the pear because of the extra deatail that makes it look a little more realistic. 

April 25,2021

Because I'm not making a mug for the clay project, I will reflect on Artist De Jour, specifically Henri Matisse. My favorite painting of his is the goldfish bowl. I like it because of the goldish, they're the main focus of the painting, and it's what draws you in because its closest in the center. I feel like you could also get distracted by the flowers and other plants that are in the background. I also enjoy the colors. They all go together, and it makes it look really beautiful. I feel like the rest of his drawing are also enjoyable because of there colors. It's nice to see color in paintings. I find it interesting that even though he couldve become a lawyer, he found a passion for art. 

April 18,2021

This week I'll be reflecting on Arist De Jour, specifically Dorthea Lange. I think Dorthea is my favorite person that we've done for artist de jour because she was a photographer. Her pictures are absolutely amazing. They tell a story, and I think that is the best part about photography. I like her photo titles Migrant mother, and I especially like the story behind the photo. I feel like when looking at the picture, you can tell that there is a deep message. It looks sad almost because the children are hiding away from the camera while the mother looks beyond the camera. 

April 11, 2021 

( It won't let me put my full image on here, I also don't know how to turn it around). This week I used the artistic thinking process, specifically the development stage. This is my bigger sketch that I used for the drawing. I had to go a bit out of the border line because I couldn't fit the full head. I had to experiment on what size would be best and where the boarder should start, because the backpack is supposed to cut off at a certain point. I had a few practice sketches that I did on regular, paper, but this is my Bristol sketch. Even though you can't see the side pocket, that is also something that I had to experiment with, because I had to figure out the right shape for it, so that it would fit properly on the bag. 

March 19, 2021

For this week, I used artistic thinking process. I focused on development. This is just a quick sketch of the drawing that I want to do. I experimented with a bunch of different flowers that should go in the jar. I chose this one because I like the way that it's not a perfect flower. It's a bit out there, but it is still beautiful. So I practiced doing it till I found the right way to make the shape of the flower and the right place to put the lines for detail. I also wanted to find a good way to make the jar so it lookes like a jar. This photo doesnt really show what i came up with but the drawing at the end will. 

Feburary 26, 2021

For this week I used the artistic thinking process specifically using inspiration and development. First I brainstormed Ideas on what I wanted my message to be behind the image and i came up with love and nature. I then wanted to find ways to portray both of those themes, so I did some things from nature like vines, flowers, and butterflies. I then wanted to fin a way to include hearts because when i think of love i think of a heart. So I asses some hearts by hanging them from the butterflies wings. I haven't found a way to add the hearts anywhere else yet. I am going to keep thinking about it though. 

Feburary 19, 2021 

This week I just reflected on the work that I did. I got feedback from the people around me. Since I'm at home my mom helped me the most, especially when I was trying to figure out what page I wanted to use and how I should use it. I made many copies until I found the right set. When making this presentation, I spent a lot of time trying to find the right words to fit what I feel about text. I love reading and I feel like when people think of reading they just belive that Its only use is to teach. It's more then that, it is a way that people can express themselves and it is art.  

February 5, 2021 

This week for myself I chose, Struggle and plan to overcome it. For this current project, I have been struggling with the project and what I'm supposed to do. I thought I understood what I was supposed to do but now I'm not so sure. So I did more research on the idea overall. Found some very good insight which will hopefully help me to do my best work.

January 29, 2021

The prompt I chose was studio habit. I think I connected a lot with the cultural appropriation piece. There are so many things in Africian american culture that are used and highly disrespected. It was interesting for me to read about different scenarios of cultural appropriation and then try to find solutions to it. I feel like with other people's culture you have to be careful if you want to use more things from their culture because it can come off as disrespectful. You should also do as much research as possible so that you can understand the group of people.