
Urban Sketch: Artist Statement

This is my urban sketching work, I drew part of a brick wall and the side of the fine arts center. I used a thin sharpie and paper to make this. 

Foreshortening: Artist Statement 

This is a girl with her shoes more toward the camera, which is why they're bigger. I didn't really give it a title though. I just used paper and a pencil, and one of the smudging tools for certain areas. Then I used a ruler to get straight lines. I started with some pieces of the background first before moving onto other areas. I think my biggest goal was to capture the detail on the bottom of the shoes and I think I did a pretty good job. This was what I imagined it was gonna look like, especially the table and shoes. 

Portrait: Artist Statement

I drew a portrait of one of my friends. In the portrait, I made sure that the darker curls were more defined. There was also shading that I did around the neck area that I added in. I do think maybe the lips could have had more detail. The tools I used were a pencil and eraser. One of my main goals was to make sure that the nose was correct and also to get the eyes right (shape, size, etc.). I think I did a pretty good job. 

Still Life: Artist Statement

I drew glasses that are sitting at an angle. As you can see, I made sure to add the highlights in the areas where the light is hitting and made reflections. I also made sure to show that there were multiple different values on the glasses. The tools I used to create the drawing were paper, a pencil, and an eraser. My goals for this piece were just to make sure that I was showing the reflective parts on the glasses and making sure to show that the glasses were sitting on an angle.