Enrollment Verification

Application for Issuance of Teacher Assistance Certificate

To be an instructional aide, many districts require that you be a current student at a University (undergraduate or graduate are both OK). Here's the info about the form you need to provide the district.

You need to complete the top section of this form:


You then need to take the form to the CSUN office of Admission and Records. You have two options:

1) Take it in person to the first floor of Bayramian Hall.

2) Email it to admissions.records@csun.edu and asked them to email it back to you as a scanned copy as well as mailing the original to you in case LAUSD asks for the formal version later.

NOTE that you will eventually need an “official” copy of your undergraduate transcript. To be official, it has to be in a sealed envelope from the university (or emailed directly from the University). If you are a CSUN alumni, you might try to arrange that during the same trip to Admissions and Records :-)