LAUSD Substitute

You will need:

  1. Your UNDERGRADUATE digital transcript as a PDF to upload (needs to show at least 90 units complete)

  2. If you are a current graduate student: Your current GRADUATE digital transcript as a PDF to upload

  3. Your COVID vaccine card to upload

  4. Your employment history for the last 3 years, including contact information for your supervisors.

Section-by-section help filling out the application

Click each section name to expand detail about it.

Personal Information & Address

Nothing tricky here. Just fill it out.

Employment Preferences

  1. In which regions of the district are you interested in employment?

    • LAUSD is so big that it is divided into regions. You decide now which general areas you might be interested in working, but you'll get invitations to specific schools each day you substitute -- you'll be able to agree or disagree to each school site at that time.

    • CSUN is in Northwest. The eastern San Fernando Valley is Northeast. Click on the map link to see more detail.

  2. Full Time OR Substitute?

    • "Substitute" -- even if you work 5 days a week, you aren't qualified to be full time unless you have a teaching credential.

  3. Please indicate the subject area for which you are applying.

    • You only get to choose 3.

    • I selected "Math", "Science-Foundational level", and "Science-Geoscience" (my major). I'm not sure how much they stick to these preferences when they invite you to substitute.

  4. I am applying as:

    • Not credentialed


Most of these questions are pretty easy for you to answer.

  1. Do you currently hold or will you obtain a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university by the end of the current school year (July - June)?

    • If you are graduating this semester, select this option!

  2. Technology Literacy

    • I selected "Email" and "Internet"

  3. For the following questions, you will probably choose No for all of them:

    • *Are you currently under contract with any other district/county office/agency? YesNo

    • *Are you currently retired and receiving benefits from CalSTRS? YesNo

    • *Do you now or have you previously worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District?

Application Overview

  1. Undergraduate Major

    • Choose "Directly related to my academic subject area as a teacher"

  2. Undergraduate GPA

  3. Advanced Education Level

    • If you are a current CSUN masters student, you will select "a. Have not earned any MA/MS/advanced degree."

  4. Credential Status

    • Choose "a. Do not hold a credential, and am not currently enrolled in a credentialing program"

  5. Teaching Experience

    • Choose "Fewer than 1 year (full time)", even if you have served as a TA. TA's are part time...

  6. Have you ever served as a classroom assistant

    • Choose "No" if you haven't.

  7. I currently hold a bilingual authorization

    • Choose "No"

Multi-lingual abilities

Fill this out if you speak another language. This section is not required even if you do, though.

Credential/License Information

Leave it blank.

Teacher Certification Program

Just choose NO.

Record of Educational and Professional Preparation

  1. Add your Bachelor's Degree.

    • If you are expecting to be awarded your graduate degree in December at the end of fall semester, select "Degree pending" and then check "Still attending this college?" below that. Then add "12/2021" in "Date Degree Completed" to show that you are almost there!

  2. If you are also a current graduate student, add that, too.

    • There is an option under Degree Awarded called "Degree Pending" and a separate checkbox called "Still attending this college?"


  1. College

    • Click on "choose your college" and find your UNDERGRADUATE degree institution. If it was CSUN, you should be able to find "CALIF STATE UNIV-NORTHRIDGE".

  2. Degree Awarded

    • Choose "Degree Pending" if you are currently a student. If you do that, be sure to also check "Still attending this college? " a little further down.

  3. Major

    • Many majors are in the list, but not all. Geology = "Earth Science"; Engineering = "Other" (and be sure to type in your specific major name like 'electrical engineering' in the box below)

Qualifications and Exams Section

  1. Have you met the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)

    • See the Basic Skills page, but most likely you will select: "College Level Coursework from a regionally accredited college or university with a grade of B- or better and provide 3 semesters units (4.5 quarter units) of college credit in each of the following areas (REQUIRES EVALUATION): Please complete Form CL-130 and upload it to the Attachments tab in the application."

  2. How did you meet the subject matter competency requirement?

    • Choose "Completed Academic Major in the Subject Area to be taught (REQUIRES EVALUATION)"

  3. If you hold a credential(s)/license(s), do you hold an English Learner (EL) Authorization

    • Choose No.

Teaching Experience

If you have been a TA, you would fill this out as:

  1. Asssignment

    • Part time

  2. Type of School

    • Other (even though CSUN is public, it's at the University level)

  3. School

    • CSU Northridge

  4. School District

    • California State University

  5. Subject or Grade Level

  6. Name of Principal

    • Put the name of your department's Chair

  7. Work Telephone

    • Leave blank

  8. From Date

  9. To Date

    • If you are still teaching, type 1/2222.

  10. Reason for leaving

    • If you stopped working to work on your thesis try something like: "Devote time to being a student". If you're still working, type "Current employer."

Student Teaching & Internship Experience

Leave these blank

Other Paid Employment

Only go back THREE years.


If you include an employer on the list above, you MUST include contact info for your current/former supervisor as a reference.

If you have some period of time where you haven't been employed, you'll need a 'personal' reference. This could be a faculty member at CSUN or other responsible individual.


You'll upload:

  • Transcript for undergraduate degree

  • Transcript for graduate program (if you have it)

  • Documents to prove Basic Skills (likely your CL-130 form that describes your transcript).

Background information

I chose NO on all these items, but please read them all and answer truthfully.

Review the last few steps and you're done!

Note that LAUSD does not send an email confirmation instantly -- they process the incoming applications each night and send you an email the next day. So don't worry if you haven't received an instant email, but do contact LAUSD if you haven't gotten anything by the following business day.

Sent your application?

Please let us know you've completed your application by filling out this short form. We want to continue to support you once you are in the classroom.