Burbank USD

Substitute teaching at Burbank - EdJoin Ad

"If you do not already have a Substitute Permit or Teaching Credential, you must meet the minimum requirements of: a Bachelor's degree and have passing CBEST scores or equivalent noted by the CCTC under basic skills "

From Steven:

"I am in the hiring process for Burbank district for substitute teaching. They only ask 5 questions. I only remember 3 sorry. It was a quick process (probably took 20 minutes or less). After I gave my answers the individual said to get a hiring packet from the front. They do not require the CBEST. They do accept it though. Must have a degree though. It is $200 a day from what is on the packet. I do not mind sharing anything else about the process if need be.

What will you do before entering a class and after leaving the class?

What is your availability?

How will you respond to a student acting out?"