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Office hours - Click here for the schedule.

NEW Microlearning course (stipend available) - click here for details

There is a severe shortage of substitute teachers this year!

You can help

We need you!

<-- Click the video to find out why and how you can get involved.

What does it take to be a substitute teacher?

  • A bachelor's degree (a few districts allow undergraduates with at least 90 units or younger undergrads can help out as Instructional Aides)

  • Commit to 1+ days a week to work in a school.

  • Patience to go through the application process (help provided below)

Ready to apply?

To help us get you to the right page, click on the option below that describes you:

NOTE - new rule is allowing undergraduates with 90 units to apply to be a sub before graduating - link

Information on Instructional Aide positions